Authors: Popov S. I.
Number of views: 476
An attempt to comprehend the “eternal” question for philosophy, undertaken in the work, caused intuitively clear failure commonly proposed approaches to its solution under conditions which are characterized by decline in the prestige of philosophical thinking. The task is to find such a purpose in philosophy, the value of which would look close to the absolute. The author examines the approaches and the traditional “professional” philosophy (Aristotle, Soviet philosophy, positivist-analytical philosophical tradition), and to a certain extent unconventional trajectory informal – literary – of wisdom. When doing this, a conclusion about the similarities essentially modern “functionalist” wisdom is uncritically declaring external significance of philosophy in Aristotle’s position, who denied its practical usefulness. Philosophy with its “functions,” is a purely abstract life thinking that, as seen, is somewhat contrary to his own intentions philosophy as “love of wisdom” because wisdom cannot be abstract.
Search of “close” life address the issue of designed philosophy thus leads from the “professional” philosophy to the philosophy of “real,” which seems to go through “life itself” by diverse literary genres, theater, movie. The digression, however, does not give a positive solution to the question of theoretical restricting
the indication of limits of philosophical questioning, the limitations of theorizing “life” as a sphere of action. In this self-revealed philosophy, the value is “suspended” its discourse, the philosopher “under-” refers to
the ancient meaning of philosophizing as only the “desire for wisdom” and not possessing it. This intermediate state is unstable, capable of easily as shown in the paper result in a disruption in the extreme (as in “wisdom,” and in its opposite as profiles of the Ministry or the “system” of thought).
In the context of the ontology of consciousness “real” philosophizing is equivalent to the denial, moving away from him all that symbolically-completes for philosophical discourse and added the word “vanity”: professional orthogonality, incontrovertibility truth, learning, respectability, etc. On the other hand, incomplete
image of the “real” philosophizing in creates the temptation to take philosophy as such in anticipation of a
saying in the language of the alchemists, the great things that would be different than the philosophy of nature.
Search logic more specific contours of this case makes reject external-social and historical interpretation
and refer to internal “code” of conscious life.
Experience of the “real” philosophizing, reflecting the dramatic individuality of spiritual existence,
summarized and interpreted in looking at life through the prism of the philosophy of consciousness, which are
inherent in the goal of the logic setting. Experience of such a view, the author finds in phenomenology of “late”
Husserl and its artistic receptions, as well as in the works of M. K. Mamardashvili. Philosophy in this context
is understood as a kind different from the experience of consciousness activities complementary to the other
The paper states that philosophy is valuable primarily theoretical setting that sets it thought and
consciousness, that is of a much broader than philosophy abilities. Primary act of “real” philosophy is to change
the setting from “natural” naive realism, which asserts the existence of an objective and deny our subjectivity,
on reflexive, phenomenological, in a field where “washed-out” exist in our experience – both sense datum.
The position of this change can be understood as “awakening” of reflection, an appeal redirecting the
observation from external objectivity of consciousness. Reflections in this context should be interpreted in a
“giving” sense: as a source of knowledge, method of investigation “geography” of intentional internal strength
“space” with the prospect of complete mastery of them.
Thus, the value of the study of philosophy is seen in the way of perception of “love of wisdom” as a kind
of “egologii”: the first act of “real” philosophy boils down to the restructuring experience of consciousness.
Fullness and richness of the senses, “surprise the world”, which are often written, is accompanied by a genuine
philosophizing, the essence of mental correlates such a “reinstall” performed ontologically. The “re-setting” of
identical consciousness development, uphold the principles of his life in the world, the constitution of a solid
reality and give a new quality of the entire experience of the individual.
Keywords: purpose of philosophy, “love of wisdom,” life, great thing, experience of consciousness,
theoretical setting, reflection, intention, interior space.