Authors: L. A. Arayeva, M. N. Tarasova
Number of views: 472
The article focuses on the way of present family relationship indication of the Teleuts living in Bekovo
village, Belovskii district of the Kemerovo region. The study was conducted on the basis of field expeditions
in 2013. The materials from the Russian-Teleut and the Teleut-Russian dictionaries have been used as well.
It is difficult to save family relations due to the fact that Teleuts live among Russian population and accepted
However, till nowadays in the Teleut language there is the set of family relations, for which blood ties
through the maternal and paternal lines, as well as marital ties are significant.
The naming of relatives in any language represent a propositional structure “subject that relates to another
subject,” which in the Teleut language is implemented with the propositions: a son related to his father, a son
related to his mother, a brother related to the father, a brother related to the mother, wife’s brother, husband’s
brother, aunt’s husband.
Propositional structure “subject of characterization” is implemented with the propositions, “the old man
after 60,” “husband after 60”, “the old woman after 60”, “wife after 60”, “young husband”, “young wife,”
“youngest aunt,” “middle aunt,” “elder aunt,” “close relative,” “distant relative,” “elder sister,” “younger
sister,” “elder brother,” “younger brother,” “stepfather,” “stepmother,” “stepdaughter,” “stepson,” “lonely
man,” “single man,” “married woman,” “married man,” etc.
In the Teleut language also the following polypropositional structures are represented: “subject – his
characterization – the relation to the subject,” which is implemented with the propositions: “father’s younger
brother,” “husband’s younger brother,” “father’s elder brother,” “husband’s elder brother;”
“subject – the relation to the subject, characterized by a certain property,” “father’s elder brother’s wife,”
“elder brother’s wife,” “maternal uncle’s wife.”
“subject – the relation to the subject possessing the property with respect to another subject:” “father’s
elder brother’s wife.”
The only polypropositional structure has been found out “subject characterized by his age and place,”
realized in the proposition “half-younger brother.”
The implementation of the different propositions within a word causes propositionaly structured ambiguity,
implementation of the same proposition in different words leads to a propositional conditional synonyms.
Thus, at present the Bachats Teleuts have a complex organization of names of kinship, demonstrating the
desire to preserve their traditions and culture. This is due to Teleuts compact settlement in the same area within
a village.
Keywords: relationship to maternal and paternal lines, paradigmatic names of relatives, propositional
organization of names of relatives, linguistic picture of the world.