Review of Kumari (Aloe barbadensis Miller) in Ayurvedic Literature
Authors: Dhiman Sonia, Kumar Ajay, Dhiman Monika, Chawla Kumar Satbir and Priyanka
Number of views: 1445
Kumari is one of the non controversial plant and very popular these days. It is the known drug
for wound healing, burns, hepatoprotective and immunomodulator. This plant is seen in every
yard and almost all the people know about this plant. The popularity of this miracle plant forced
us to explore it in Ayurvedic literature. It was first appeared in Bhela sahmita. Kumari, Kanya
,Ghritkumari, Mandla,Mata, Phalamatasya, Saha Dirghapatrika, Sthaleruha, Mrudu, Kanya,
Bahupatra, Amara, Ajara, Kantakapravrta, Vira, Bhrmgesta, Vipulasrava, Vranaghni, Taruni,
Rama, Kapila, Ambudhisrava, Sukantaka and Sthuladala are various names of Kumari.
Virasrava, Sahasara, Kumarirassambhava have been mentioned as the synonyms of Musabbar.
Tikta, Madhura Rasa, Guru, Snigdha,Pichilla Guna, Sheeta Virya, Katu Vipaka areproperties of
Kumari.Apasmara, Agnidagdha, Apachi, Bhedna, Balya, Bruhana, Chakshusya, Daha, Gulma,
Granthi, Hridutphala, Jwara, Kamala, Krimihara, Kasa, Kushtha, Mootrakricha, Paka,
Palihavridhihara, Raktapittahara, Rasayana, Rajorodha, Satanashool, Samriti, Shavasa, Shool,
Twakaroga, Vatavyadhi, Visha, Visphota, Vidradhi, Vrana, Vrishya are therapeutic indications of
Kumari.Bhedna, Vittasanga, Sheetpitta, Rajapravartaka, Krimiroga, Shiroruja, Jwaranut,
Sanyasa, Pleeharoga Agnijanan, Apasmara, Manadagni, Garabhpatan, Pushpajanana,
Rakjakricha are indications of Musabbar. Arsha, Pushpini, Asrigdara, Yakrit roga, Antvartini,
Vrikka roga are contraindications of Musabbar.