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Number 10 - 2, 2013

  • 4
    Periapical granuloma: conventional treatment. Case report
    Authors: Natalia Patricia Harris Ortega; Fernando Javier Guzman Lopez; Antonio Díaz Caballero
    Number of views: 677
  • 5
    Outpatient laparoscopic hysterectomy for benign gynecologic disease management: an overview
    Authors: Javier Castro Solís
    Number of views: 370
  • 7
    Sexual practices’s differences between men and women in college students during the first half of 2013
    Authors: Javier Martínez Torres; Nubia Adriana Maya G.; Lince Parada Capacho; Klarenna Duarte
    Number of views: 393
  • 8
    Risk factors hypertensive disorders induced pregnancy in women attended in a health company Santa Marta
    Authors: Gisela Esther González Ruiz; Luz Ángela Reyes; Dorian Camacho Rodríguez; María Isabel Gutiérrez Alcázar; Melissa Johana Perea de la Rosa; Mayra Patricia Suarez Barros
    Number of views: 547
  • 9
    Correlation cytology-colposcopy and grade of effectiveness used like diagnostic tests in a health institution in Santa Marta
    Authors: Gisela González Ruiz; Mónica Caballero Zambrano; Celenny Pérez Quintero; Catalina Olaya López; Filadelfia Judith Polo Carrillo; Nidia Paulina Rivas Rojano
    Number of views: 392
  • 10
    Associated factors in the sexual practices of school adolescents of Cartagena- Colombia 2008
    Authors: Carmen Elena Díaz Montes; Wendy Rodríguez Torres; Lisseth A. Lara Barrios; Rina Matute Ramírez; Heidi Palacio Ariza
    Number of views: 379
  • 14
    Psychosocial analysis of the conflicts regarding water usage: Perceptions and attributions among categories of users of the same resource
    Authors: Oscar Navarro Carrascal
    Number of views: 361

Number 10 - 1, 2013

  • 5
    Association between religiosity and depressive symptoms among adolescent students
    Authors: Zuleima Cogollo; Edna Margarita Gómez-Bustamante; Edwin Herazo; Heidi Celina Oviedo; Adalberto Campo-Arias
    Number of views: 427
  • 5
    Late complications of origin multiorgan secondary injuries electric shock, report of a case
    Authors: Gary Caballero García; Aura María Badrán Díaz; Johana Barbosa Carrillo; Yulayne Becerra Romero
    Number of views: 548
  • 5
    Insights on the use and application of statistics in the health sciences
    Authors: Henry J. González-Torres; Alberto Moreno Rossi
    Number of views: 476
  • 6
    Spiritual welfare of patients with chronic diseases who enter a care institution
    Authors: Aneth Cristina Rivas Castro; Ángela Verónica Romero Cárdenas; Mirith Vásquez Munive
    Number of views: 498
  • 6
    MTA effectiveness in not surgical treatment of apicale perforations
    Authors: José Elias Flórez Ariza; Edinson Gabriel Quintero Ricardo
    Number of views: 421
  • 6
    Presence of abuse and sexual abuse in the home of high school students in three public schools of the city of Santa Marta - Magdalena-(Colombia)
    Authors: Yuris Maria Batista Vargas; Yeiby María Vega Flórez; Diana Liceth Caamaño Gutiérrez
    Number of views: 431
  • 7
    Quality life of older adult enrolled national feeding program canteens for the elderly Juan Luis Londoño De La Cuesta ICBF, 2010-I
    Authors: Aneth Cristina Rivas Castro; Ángela Verónica Romero Cárdenas; Mirith Vásquez Munive; Ediltudis Ramos de la Cruz; Tatiana González Noguera; Diana Patricia Acosta Salazar
    Number of views: 387
  • 8
    Pharmacological adherence person with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis
    Authors: Aneth Rivas Castro; Mirith Vásquez Munive; Ángela Romero Cárdenas; Leider Escobar Vásquez; Alberto Sinning Correa; Yanileidy Calero Correa
    Number of views: 473
  • 8
    Male circumcision and its use on prevention of HIV infection
    Authors: Adalberto Campo-Arias; Edwin Herazo
    Number of views: 469
  • 10
    Early repolarization: from benign to sudden death
    Authors: Guillermo Trout; Luis Rodríguez; Rafael Gallego; Samuel Jarava
    Number of views: 438

Number 09 - 2, 2012

  • 5
    Moya moya syndrome and falciformia. Report of a case
    Authors: Marlon Martínez Barros; Grace Cuadrado Vargas; Stephany Felizola Camero; Amelia González Osorio
    Number of views: 446
  • 5
    Cyst of eruption in mixed dentition
    Authors: Mileydis Esther Fernández Munive
    Number of views: 670
  • 5
    Condom use at first intercourse among college students in the city of Santa Marta
    Authors: José David García Pabón; Angeline Mercado Pacheco; Marie Ludys Lubo Argumedo
    Number of views: 431
  • 6
    Mandibular odontogenic fibroma. A case report
    Authors: Gustavo Guzmán; Carlos Mozo Duran
    Number of views: 452
  • 7
    Reason for nursing mothers: an experience from the ability to listen
    Authors: Mirith Vásquez Munive; Ángela Romero Cárdenas; Aneth Rivas Castro
    Number of views: 462
  • 8
    Characteristics of emotional intelligence in psychology students and business administration of a public university of Santa Marta, Colombia: a pilot study
    Authors: Yuly Suárez Colorado; Katie Guzmán García; Lizeth Medina Alfonso; Guillermo Ceballos Ospino
    Number of views: 450
  • 8
    Fruit and vegetables in school as a preventive strategy of overweight and obesity in children
    Authors: Mario Delgado-Noguera; Edison Benavides Hernández
    Number of views: 461
  • 8
    Evidence-based medicine: review of the concept
    Authors: Juan Miguel Maestre Uhía; Carmen del Carmen Ocampo Ospino; Nick Sebastián Useche Amarís; Guillermo Orlando Trout Guardiola
    Number of views: 441
  • 9
    Levels of thinking and solving mathematical problems students program in psychology of a public university Santa Marta (Magdalena)
    Authors: Liliana Quintero Díaz; Yuly Suárez Colorado; Germán García Reyes; José Vanegas Jiménez
    Number of views: 460
  • 9
    Hospital management principles in patients with polytrauma in face, in the area of emergency service of maxillofacial surgery
    Authors: Ivan Manotas Arevalo; Edder Chamorro Florez; Karen Serpa Hoyos
    Number of views: 414
  • 9
    Hip fractures Treatment Alternatives
    Authors: Roberto Joaquín Del Gordo D´Amato
    Number of views: 545
  • 11
    Preliminary biological evaluation of plants extracts used in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta against the snake Bothrops asper venom
    Authors: Willinton Barranco Pérez; Vitelbina Nuñez; Mauricio Sanchez
    Number of views: 408

Number 09 - 1 , 2012

  • 4
    Optimism and academic performance in two private schoolsestudiantesde city Riohacha (Guajira)
    Authors: Edwin José Vega Estrada; Hugo Nelson Torregroza Simanca
    Number of views: 370
  • 5
    Idiopathic syringomyelia: a case report
    Authors: Marlon Martínez; Jairo Alonso Iglesias Charris; Cindy Katherine Rojas García
    Number of views: 489
  • 7
    Prevalence of suicide girls in the department of Magdalena (Colombia): 2004-2010*
    Authors: Diego Pérez Manjarrez; Andrés Calderón Araujo
    Number of views: 357
  • 7
    Bullying: a phenomenon to transform
    Authors: Alicia del Carmen Rodríguez Díaz; Yulneidis Karina Mejía Moreu
    Number of views: 446
  • 7
    A reflection on transphobia and exclusion: narratives of “travestis” in a social programme
    Authors: María Mercedes Lafaurie; Cristian Camilo García; Catherine Giraldo; Ana María Gutiérrez; Yalile Marcela Lara; Luz Andrea Ortiz; Andrea Liliana Rivera; Andrea Yamile Romero; Julieth Sánchez; Rocío del Pilar Vásquez
    Number of views: 575
  • 8
    Cataract surgery in old patients. Cabaiguán 2003-2009
    Authors: Rosa María Pereira Nodarse; Norma Bada Hernández; Leonel Carmona Pereira
    Number of views: 413
  • 8
    Practical alternative care for asthma, forparents of children treated at a hospital in Cartagena
    Authors: Irma Yolanda Castillo Ávila; Zuleima Cogollo Milanés; Liliana Adies Meza; Lina Campo Montero; Ilse Galvis Mendoza; Darwin Pérez Cera; Catis Vanegas Tafur; Katerine Tuñón Reyes
    Number of views: 409
  • 9
    Respiratory disease in children ages 6 to 14 years in Santa Marta city in the first quarter of years 2008 and 2009
    Authors: Enis Alejandra Cuao; Lídice Álvarez Miño; María Margarita Vargas
    Number of views: 376
  • 10
    Occupational hazard determination workforce with work at heightby measuring serum markers
    Authors: Sonja Liliana Lozano Socarras; Jorge Enrique Mazenett Flórez
    Number of views: 449
  • 11
    Distraction osteogenic. An alternative for reconstruction in sector mandibular alveolar ridge. Meta-analysis
    Authors: Iván Manotas; Eder Chamorro Flórez; Jairson Villamizar Pérez; Nerandy Guardiola Fernández
    Number of views: 731

Number 8 - 2, 2011

  • 4
    El psicólogo educativo y su quehacer en la institución educativa
    Authors: Arnulfo Rafael Arvilla Ropain, Lina Paola Palacio Orozco, Claudia Patricia Arango Gonzáles
    Number of views: 442
  • 5
    Luxo fractura esternoclavicular. Tratamiento quirúrgico. Reporte de un caso
    Authors: Roberto Joaquín del Gordo D´Amato, José Acuña*
    Number of views: 458
  • 6
    Consumo de cigarrillo, ingesta de alcohol y su asociación con la percepción de bajo rendimiento académico en estudiantes de ingeniería de una universidad pública
    Authors: Alejandra Gómez Cantillo, Yelitza Gil Villar, Verónica Aranzalez Machado
    Number of views: 401
  • 6
    Tratamiento de agrandamiento gingival inducido por fenitoina asociado a placa bacteriana
    Authors: Carmen Julia Rovira, Jennifer Orozco Páez ,Antonio Díaz Caballero
    Number of views: 394
  • 6
    Concordancia entre la predicción e índices de intubación difícil en pacientes con trauma maxilofacial
    Authors: Iván Manotas Arévalo, Martha Rebolledo Cobos, Heidy Pinzón Ramírez,Tatiana Vélez Mercado
    Number of views: 383
  • 7
    Prevalencia de anormalidades citológicas del cuello uterino en pacientes atendidos en el Centro de Atención Primaria (CAP ) de la Esperanza, Cartagena – Colombia, de Enero – Diciembre de 2010
    Authors: Omar Alfonso Lopez Gonzalez*, Jaime Antonio Peña Benítez; Víctor Alfonso Paternina Moguea;Luis Alfonso Pinedo Ospino
    Number of views: 380
  • 7
    Primoinfección por virus del herpes simple tipo 1. Manejo farmacológico y caracteristicas clínicas
    Authors: Hernan Francisco Sariego Santana, Antonio José Díaz Caballero, Rosa Mercedes Baldiris Ávila
    Number of views: 377
  • 7
    Terapia cognitiva-conductual (TCC) Como tratamiento para la depresion: Una revisión del estado del arte
    Authors: Juliana Vanessa Puerta Polo, Dancy Eliana Padilla Díaz
    Number of views: 390
  • 7
    Injerto de tejido conectivo en recesión gingival de incisivo mandibular
    Authors: Luis Fang Mercado, Carmen Sierra Barrios, Alejandra Herrera Herrera, Carlos Leal Acosta, Antonio Diaz Caballero
    Number of views: 424
  • 8
    Programación neurolinguistica. ¿Realidad o mito en Psicología y Ciencias Cognitivas?
    Authors: Arlinthon David Jaruffe Romero, María Claudia Pomares Jacquin
    Number of views: 421
  • 8
    Maltreatment and sexual abuse at home concerning schooling adolscents
    Authors: Yuranis Ibeth Henríquez Santoya, José Ángel Corredor Corvacho
    Number of views: 385
  • 9
    Condiciones biológicas, sociales y familiares asociadas al afrontamiento familiar ante el nacimiento de pretérminos en la ciudad de Cartagena – Colombia
    Authors: Rossana López Sáleme, Carmen Elena Díaz Montes, Kelly Moreno Jiménez, Katherine Vargas López, Gloria Villamizar Espinosa, Sandra López Salas, Ricardo Sierra Rojas
    Number of views: 358
  • 9
    Identificación temprana de superdotación intelectual en instituciones públicas y privadas del distrito de Santa Marta
    Authors: Carmelina Paba Barbos, Elda Cerchiaro Ceballos, Ligia Sánchez Castellón
    Number of views: 367
  • 13
    Trastorno de adaptación en la Psicopatología Infantil. Un estudio de caso
    Authors: Dailys Suárez, Julién Iglesias, Calleiro Cañive
    Number of views: 406
  • 15
    Procesos psicológicos vinculados al aprendizaje y su relación con el desarrollo personal - social en la infancia
    Authors: Lilia Anélica Campo Ternera, Nadia Estrada OvalleLoren Ochoa De Luque, Carmen Pérez Parra, Julieth Quiroz Gómez, Darlys Rodríguez Martínez
    Number of views: 407
  • 16
    Los efectos del material particulado 10 (PM10) y de las variables climatológicas en las admisiones hospitalarias por enfermedades respiratorias en niños en la ciudad de Santa Marta Colombia, 2008- 2009
    Authors: Alexander Salazar Ceballos; Lídice Álvarez Miño
    Number of views: 365

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