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Number 44, 2017

  • 10
    Self-reflection and experience in teaching formation – A study with teachers of Visual Arts
    Authors: Maristani Polidori Zamperetti, Fabiana Lopes de Souza, Flávia Demke Rossi
    Number of views: 515
  • 15
    National council of education: the unveiling of the trajectory of higher distance education in Brazil
    Authors: Lívia Soares de Lima Sousa, Daniela da Costa Britto Pereira Lima
    Number of views: 567
  • 15
    Outsourced work and public university: an analysis from UERJ
    Authors: Deise Mancebo
    Number of views: 522
  • 15
    Written by me: Narratives and Self-teaching
    Authors: Deise Cristina Carvalho de Jesus, Elvira Cristina Martins Tassoni
    Number of views: 494
  • 16
    Interacciones Moodle-MOOC: presente y futuro de los modelos de e-learning y b-learning en los contextos universitarios
    Authors: José Gómez Galán
    Number of views: 521
  • 16
    Discipline and freedom in teaching: preliminary notes for a critique to the criticism of the pedagogical sponteneism spontaneity from a Gramscian Gramsci’s perspective
    Authors: Renê José Trentin Silveira
    Number of views: 569
  • 17
    Topography of Human Rights: Brazilian School Indicators
    Authors: Marinalva Raimundo Lima, José Viegas Brás, Maria Neves Gonçalves
    Number of views: 490
  • 18
    Visions of future in Freire and Dewey: Intercultural perspectives on the (post)colonial matrices of the Americas
    Authors: Maria Manuela Duarte Guilherme
    Number of views: 571
  • 19
    Research, posgraduate and commodified knowledge in Brazil
    Authors: Celso do Prado Ferraz de Carvalho, João dos Reis Silva Júnior
    Number of views: 532
  • 22
    REUNI: Expansion, segmentation and institutional determination of dropout. Case study at Unifal-MG
    Authors: Inmaculada Cristina Puertas Cañaveral, Thiago Antônio de Oliveira Sá
    Number of views: 568
  • 23
    The expansion of higher education and brazilian regional inequality: an analysis in the frameworks of national education plans
    Authors: Cristiane Sousa Brito, André Rodrigues Guimarães
    Number of views: 537
  • 25
    Sinaes and the quality conception: knowledge of the academic managers in the Universities of the Grande São Paulo
    Authors: Celia Maria Haas
    Number of views: 519
  • 25
    Trends in the academic rankings of the Ibero-American countries: El Mundo (Spain), El Mercurio (Chile), Folha de São Paulo (Brazil), Reforma (Mexico) and El Universal (Mexico)
    Authors: Adolfo Ignacio Calderón, Carlos Marshal França, Armando Gonçalves
    Number of views: 572
  • 27
    Privatization of higher education in Chile: consequences and lessons learned Abstract
    Authors: Oscar Espinoza
    Number of views: 548

Number 43, 2017

  • 10
    The ethical sense of education: school implications
    Authors: Leoni Maria Padilha Henning
    Number of views: 569
  • 12
    The aesthetic production of teaching: macro and microdimensions
    Authors: Juliana Monteiro Vieira, Cristiano Ferronato e Dinamara Garcia Feldens
    Number of views: 581
  • 14
    Between time and history of art: for an appropriation process
    Authors: Marilda Oliveira de Oliveira e Carin Cristina Dahmer
    Number of views: 594
  • 15
    Aspects of human formation: paideia, bildung and geophilosophy of education
    Authors: Fernanda Antônia Barbosa da Mota e Heraldo Aparecido Silva
    Number of views: 602
  • 16
    Self-formation, human condition and aesthetic dimension
    Authors: Cleide Rita Silvério de Almeida e Mariangelica Arone
    Number of views: 678
  • 16
    Aesthetic movements in the pedagogy: by the ways of the path the (des) dress of a body
    Authors: Denise Aquino Alves Martins
    Number of views: 588
  • 17
    The implementation of a new curriculum in the schools of the petropolis municipal network – preliminary reflections for the common curricular national basis
    Authors: Cintia Chung Marques Corrêa
    Number of views: 540
  • 19
    Homeschooling in Brazil: an overview on the contemporary scenario
    Authors: João Guilherme da Silva Arruda e Fernando de Souza Paiva
    Number of views: 599
  • 21
    Education and citizenship: the perspective of critical digital literacy
    Authors: Michele Mezari Oliveira e Graziela Fatima Giacomazzo
    Number of views: 762
  • 21
    Education in values and health promotion: a quantitative study on the use of psychotherapeutic techniques using guided imagination
    Authors: Paula Alves Molarinho, Mário Pinto Simões e Luis Miguel Vicente Afonso Neto
    Number of views: 576

Number 42, 2017

  • 10
    The teacher’s professional development trajectory in higher education
    Authors: Maria Angélica Penatti Pipitone, Karen Missy Aki Komada
    Number of views: 735
  • 15
    Learner community: the school as a locus of teacher training and development
    Authors: Ana Maria Vellenich, Adriano Marcius Ferreira, Nilsen Aparecida Vieira Marcondes, Maria Aparecida Campos Diniz de Castro
    Number of views: 593
  • 16
    Unilab: a freirean proposal of a popular university?
    Authors: Stela Meneghel, Jaana Flávia Fernandes Nogueira, Sofia Lerche Vieira
    Number of views: 648
  • 16
    Popular University and democratization of knowledge: the case of The Federal University of Southern Bahia
    Authors: Naomar de Almeida Filho, Dirceu Benincá, Denise Coutinho
    Number of views: 621
  • 16
    Democratization policies of the superior education in the methodological perspective of Antônio Gramsci
    Authors: Regina Maria Michelott, Michelle Fernandes Lima
    Number of views: 604
  • 17
    Counter hegemonic models of higher education: a study on the federal university of Fronteira Sul
    Authors: Manuel Tavares
    Number of views: 592
  • 17
    Education policies in the municipalities that guiding by freirean references: another way to doing school
    Authors: Denise Regina da Costa Aguiar
    Number of views: 566
  • 19
    Educational policies in Portugal: governance, local context and hybridity
    Authors: António Francisco Baixinho
    Number of views: 909
  • 27
    Internationalization of higher education within the framework of Latin American regional integration: the case of the Federal University of Latin American Integration
    Authors: Eduardo Santos
    Number of views: 604

Number 41, 2016

  • 3
    Culturas, Identidades e Narrativas, de Ana Maria Haddad Baptista e Manuel Tavares (Org.).
    Authors: Antonio Germano
    Number of views: 645
  • 5
    História oral como arte da escuta, de Alessandro Portelli São Paulo: Letra e Voz, 2016. (Ideias).
    Authors: Antonio Joaquim Severino
    Number of views: 2162
  • 7
    Do outro lado do espelho: insurgências e resistências descoloniais, de Manuel Tavares e Mônica de Ávila Todaro (Org.)
    Authors: Sandra Rosa Gomes dos Santos
    Number of views: 611
  • 9
    Thinking, sp eaking and listening: class between philosophy and education
    Authors: Paula Ramos de Oliveira, Denis Domeneghetti Badia, Ivan Fortunato
    Number of views: 557
  • 12
    Vocational education in the context of reforms curriculum for secondary education in Brazil
    Authors: Ivanete Bellucci Pires de Almeida, Sueli Soares dos Santos Batista
    Number of views: 600
  • 13
    The first and second versions of BNCC: construction, intentions and constraints
    Authors: Marcos Garcia Neira, Wilson Alviano Júnior, Déberson Ferreira de Almeida
    Number of views: 752
  • 13
    Common National Curriculum Basis for early childhood education: between challenges and possibilities of educational experience
    Authors: Luciane Pandini-Simiano, Márcia Buss-Simão
    Number of views: 923
  • 14
    Construction of meaning and discourses legitimation: the curriculum of São Paulo state schools
    Authors: Celso Carvalho
    Number of views: 577
  • 14
    The BNCC in the context of threats to democratic state
    Authors: Hilda Aparecida Linhares da Silva Micarello
    Number of views: 604
  • 15
    BNCC, components of history curriculum: eurocentrism overcoming prospects
    Authors: Astrogildo Fernandes da Silva Júnior
    Number of views: 681
  • 15
    Socio-communitarian education: reflections about an education for autonomy
    Authors: Maria Luísa Bissoto
    Number of views: 589
  • 15
    Quality, efficiency and teacher ass ess ment: a new flexible pedagogy?
    Authors: Renan Araújo, Helen Cristina de Oliveira
    Number of views: 565
  • 16
    Youth and social participation: concepts that guide actions and policies for youth Brazilian
    Authors: Aldimara Catarina Brito Delabona Boutin, Simone de Fátima Flach
    Number of views: 700
  • 16
    Religious education and training of the human being from the persp ective of intercultural
    Authors: Eliane Ludwig
    Number of views: 730
  • 17
    Bullying and school practices: adapt or emancipate?
    Authors: Jorge Luis Cammarano González
    Number of views: 576
  • 18
    Adventure and educacion in the National Common Base
    Authors: Antonio Joaquim Severino, Dimitri Wuo Pereira, Vinicius Sampaio Feitoza dos Santos
    Number of views: 604
  • 23
    Human and social sciences, education science and philosophy of education: contributions to a cross - cutting reading
    Authors: Adalberto Dias de Carvalho
    Number of views: 584

Number 40, 2016

  • 5
    Authors: Antonio Joaquim Severino, Carlos Bauer
    Number of views: 560
  • 13
    Institutional evaluation in early childhood education: children's participation in the organization of educational work
    Authors: Julio Gomes Almeida, Hosana Vanessa Gomes Aguiar de Paiva
    Number of views: 649
  • 14
    Prova Brasil and the mechanisms of symbolic control in school organization and teaching
    Authors: Marilda Pasqual Schneider, Aline Sartorel
    Number of views: 580
  • 14
    The popular education and the field of socio- educative practices: considerations on the history of popular education and its current challenges
    Authors: luís Antonio Groppo, Suzana Costa Coutinho
    Number of views: 617
  • 15
    The regulatory process of higher distance education in Brazil
    Authors: Marcio Mugnol
    Number of views: 553
  • 15
    Educational policies for teacher training in basic education
    Authors: Maria lília imbiriba sousa Colares
    Number of views: 586
  • 15
    Challenges to the formation of early childhood education teacher: contributions of scientific studies (1999-2009)
    Authors: Daniele Ramos de Oliveira, Célia Maria Guimarães
    Number of views: 581
  • 15
    Professional development and Teaching Working Conditions in national education Plan 2014-2024
    Authors: Rosemary Roggero
    Number of views: 569
  • 16
    Gestão do processo de reorientação curricular na rede Municipal de ensino de dourados (2001 a 2008)
    Authors: Eliane souza de Carvalho, lindamir Cardoso Vieira de oliveira
    Number of views: 541
  • 16
    The Capes insertion in basic education teachers formation in brasil
    Authors: Nathanael Da Cruz e Silva Neto, Silvana Fernandes Lopes, Julio Cesar Torres, Carlos da Fonseca Brandão
    Number of views: 557
  • 17
    Cooperative learning as an inclusive pedagogic strategy: the jigsaw method in a class of 10-12 year-olds
    Authors: Isaura Santos Alves, Isabel Rodrigues Sanches, Cláudia Pais Tavares,
    Number of views: 732
  • 22
    Children and environmental education: speeches on “the future generations” and notes on a possible contribution in the area
    Authors: Vânia Roseane Pascoal Maia, Carlos R. S. Machado
    Number of views: 596

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