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Revista MVZ Cordoba

Number 25 (3), 2020

  • e2481
    Was SARS CoV-2 really of zoonotic origin?
    Authors: Caty Milena Martinez-Bravo; Salim Máttar ; Marco González T
    Number of views: 94
  • e1875
    Replication and survival traits of spring viremia of carp virus (SVCV) isolated in Mexico
    Authors: Leticia Cañas L; Sandra Hernández-Dávila; Juan Carlos Vázquez-Chagoyan; Simón Martínez-Castañeda; Raúl Fajardo M; Benjamín Valladares-Carranza; César Ortega S
    Number of views: 129
  • e1859
    Corporal condition and restart of the ovarian postpartum on Holstein cows in Ecuador
    Authors: Luís Balarezo-Urresta; Juan García-Díaz; Ernesto Noval-Artiles
    Number of views: 88
  • e1982
    Hematological parameters in peruvian paso horses in the Lambayeque province
    Authors: Liliana Rojas-Risco; Paola Montalván-Damián; Juan R. Paredes-Valderrama
    Number of views: 125
  • e1960
    Carcass and meat of Santa Inês lambs and crosses with Dorper or Texel: A meta-analysis
    Authors: Gustavo Vega-Britez; Daisy Pérez-Villalba; Nelson Lesmo-Duarte; José Velazquez-Duarte; Ariádne Leonardo; Marciana Retore; Fernando de Vargas-Junior
    Number of views: 93
  • e1720
    Spatial characterization of the bovine livestock in the Colombian Orinoquia
    Authors: Raúl Molina-Benavides; Clarita Bustamante Z; Adriana Martínez A; José Uribe C; Johan Redondo O
    Number of views: 90
  • e1821
    Serum Beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations and its association with postpartum diseases in dairy cows
    Authors: Oscar Huertas-Molina; Víctor Guzmán C; Luis Guillermo Palacio; Jorge Zambrano-Varón; Martha Olivera-Angel
    Number of views: 95
  • e1854
    Microbiological characterization of dried and frozen pollen in Viracachá-Colombia
    Authors: Julio Cesar Vargas-Abella; Luis Edgar Tarazona-Manrique; Roy José Andrade-Becerra
    Number of views: 95
  • e1990
    Prediction of carcass weight and yield in New Zealand rabbits from body measurements
    Authors: Donicer Montes-Vergara, Claudia Lenis V, Darwin Hernández-Herrera
    Number of views: 105
  • e1816
    Molecular typing ofMycobacterium aviumsubsp.paratuberculosisin dairy cattle herds of Antioquia, Colombia
    Authors: Nathalia Correa-Valencia; Roberto Damián Moyano; María Isabel Romano; Jorge A Fernández-Silva
    Number of views: 95
  • e1879
    Detection of antibodies against Neospora caninum in canines in the urban and rural area of Cumaral, Meta, Colombia
    Authors: Paula Méndez-Ramírez; Julián Marín-Henao; Agustín Góngora-Orjuela; Jorge Parra-Arango; Diego Piedrahita; Jenny Chaparro-Gutiérrez
    Number of views: 93
  • e1876
    Protein fragment intake and digestibility of protein in diets supplied to Chino Santandereano cattle
    Authors: David Contreras-Marquez; Juan Quintero-Pardo; Edwin Correa-Rojas; Emiro Canchila-Asencio; Heidy Gutiérrez-Zocadagui
    Number of views: 88
  • e1888
    Canine mammary gland tumors: risk factors and their epidemiological influence in Manizales-Colombia
    Authors: Alejandro Clavijo-Maldonado; Juan M. Pérez-Zapata; Enio Ferreira; Carlos Vargas-Hernandez; Fredy A. Rivera-Páez
    Number of views: 86
  • e1944
    Frequency of gastrointestinal helminths in synanthropic rodents captured in the Barranquilla Zoo
    Authors: Johan Romero-Herrera; Lina Henao-Montoya; Henrique Guimarães-Riva; Jeiczon Jaimes Dueñez
    Number of views: 98
  • e1379
    Morphostructural characterization and zoometric indices of Sudan females Colombian Creole Hair sheep “OPC”
    Authors: Julio Flórez M; Marcos Hernández P; Moris Bustamante Y; Oscar Vergara G
    Number of views: 93
  • e2114
    Bibliometric analysis of the scientific articles published in Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics in Colombia 2010-2019
    Authors: Marco González T; Luis Salgado-Arroyo
    Number of views: 94
  • e2185
    Genetic diversity of Colombian Creole sheep
    Authors: Nini Vivas A; Vincenzo Landi; Jaime Muñoz F; Moris Bustamante Y;Luz Álvarez F
    Number of views: 91
  • e2052
    Factors related to preventive attitudes and measures against COVID-19 pandemic
    Authors: Irma Yupari-Azabache; Jorge Díaz-Ortega; Ángela Rodríguez-Diaz; Ana Peralta-Iparraguirre
    Number of views: 88
  • e1923
    Intraluminal use of dual nitinol stent for complete collapse of trachea in a Canine Maltese breed
    Authors: Rodrigo de Lavalle G; José Pinzón D; Ariel Mendoza D; Amanda Ramos R; Jorge Guzmán; Teresa Oviedo S; Mario de la Puente
    Number of views: 102
  • e2004
    Use of secnidazole and homeopathy for giardiasis control in dogs
    Authors: Patrícia Glombowsky; Gabriela Campigotto; Maiara Sulzbach Marchiori; Jorge A. Favaretto; Gabriela Miotto Galli; Aleksandro Schafer da Silva
    Number of views: 94

Number 25 (2), 2020

  • e1611
    Seroprevalence to Mycobacterium aviumsubsp. paratuberculosis in the colombian creole cattle Romosinuano and costeño con cuernos
    Authors: Matiluz Doria R; Misael Oviedo P; Teresa Oviedo S; Mario Canabal V; Juan Pérez G; Juan Fernández N
    Number of views: 70
  • e1639
    Culture of dental epithelial cells: impact of fetal bovine serum
    Authors: Víctor Simancas-Escorcia; Adel Martinez-Martinez; Antonio Díaz-Caballero
    Number of views: 67
  • e1708
    Animal welfare assessment on pasture-based dairy farms in Savanna of Bogota, Colombia
    Authors: Catalina Medrano-Galarza; Aldemar Zuñiga-López; Fredy E. García-Castro
    Number of views: 77
  • e1782
    Detection of anti-Mycobacterium aviumsubsp. paratuberculosis antibodies in cows of low-tropic dairy herds in the Provinces of Sucre and Córdoba, Colombia
    Authors: Nathalia Correa-Valencia; Ferney Arango L; Jorge A. Fernández-Silva
    Number of views: 64
  • e1863
    Evaluation of morphometric measures of tendons and metacarpal ligaments by ultrasonography in Colombian creole horses
    Authors: Bernardo Reyes-Bossa; Hernán Medina-Ríos; José A. Cardona-Álvarez
    Number of views: 96
  • e1873
    Current status of Melongena melongena(Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Cispatá Bay, Colombian Caribbean
    Authors: Daniela Niño-Miranda; Alejandro Córdoba-Martínez; Luz Arias-Reyes; Jorge Quirós-Rodríguez
    Number of views: 57
  • e1809
    Detection of anti-Mycobacterium aviumsubsp. paratuberculosis antibodies in wild deer in Colombia
    Authors: María Largo; Jhon Tuberquia ; Mauricio Sánchez ; Mariana Machado ; Santiago Rodríguez , Santiago Monsalve B; Nathalia Correa-Valencia; Jorge A. Fernández-Silva
    Number of views: 56
  • e1798
    Prevalence of zoonotic Arcobacter species in pigs at slaughterhouse level in Ecuador
    Authors: Rosa Janeth Simaluiza M; Jimmy Fernández C; Heriberto Fernández J
    Number of views: 64
  • e1845
    Environmental factors related to Influenza A virus occurrence in wild birds
    Authors: Soledad Ruiz P; Cecilia Baumberger; Pedro Jimenez-Bluhm;Víctor Marambio; Carla Salazar; Christopher Hamilton-West
    Number of views: 59
  • e1609
    Normative for the protection of pets in Latin America: situation of Colombia, Chile, Uruguay and México
    Authors: Lucy Villafañe-Ferrer; Doris Gómez-Camargo; Rubén Darío Gómez-Arias
    Number of views: 54
  • 3
    Coronavirus: Chronicle of an announced zoonosis
    Authors: Salim Máttar1; Marco González T
    Number of views: 69
  • 6
    Identification of canine parvovirus type 2C in puppies of Nicaragua
    Authors: Byron Flores S; Jairo Mairena S; Jorge Gutiérrez S; Jessica Sheleby-Elías; Héctor Fuertes N; Nabil Halaihel K
    Number of views: 60
  • 7
    Report of presumptive Perkinsus sp. hypnospores in Megapitaria squalida of the Gulf of California with the thioglycollate staining technique
    Authors: Andrés Góngora-Gómez; Lizeth Villanueva-Fonseca; Pedro Sandoval-Rivera; Juan Hernández-Sepúlveda; Ana L. Domínguez-Orozco; Brenda Villanueva-Fonseca; Manuel García-Ulloa
    Number of views: 64
  • 8
    Anisakis physeteris and Pseudoterranova decipiens in the Mugil curema fish caught in Tumaco, Colombia
    Authors: Jenniffer Castellanos G; Rubén Mercado P; Sebastián Peña F; María Carolina Pustovrh R; Liliana Salazar M
    Number of views: 70
  • 10
    Pathogenic Leptospira in bats from Campeche and Yucatán, Mexico
    Authors: Marco Torres-Castro; Viviana Febles-Solís; Silvia Hernández-Betancourt; Henry Noh-Pech; Erendira Estrella; Ronald Peláez-Sánchez; Alonso Panti-May; Belén Herrera-Flores; Bibiana Reyes-Hernández; Javier Sosa-Escalante
    Number of views: 68

Number 25 (1), 2020

  • 1-3
    Lophomonas blattarum parásito de cucarachas que causa neumonías infrecuentes en humanos
    Authors: Francisco Camargo-Assis; Salim Máttar; Marco González T
    Number of views: 286
  • 1-6
    Factores ambientales asociados con los días no-productivos de cerdas en el trópico mexicano
    Authors: Jesús E Ek-Mex; Alejandro Alzina-López; Erika Reyes-González; José C. Segura-Correa
    Number of views: 222
  • 1-6
    Pérdidas económicas y prevalencia de Fasciola hepatica en bovinos sacrificados en dos provincias cubanas
    Authors: Danays Palacio Collado; José Bertot Valdés; Marcelo Beltrao Molento; Ángel Vázquez Gil; Ramón Ortíz Vázquez;Carlos Fortune Nápoles
    Number of views: 245
  • 1-8
    Análisis reproductivo de vacas Suizo Pardo x Cebú y Simmental x Cebú en condiciones tropicales
    Authors: Ángel Ríos-Utrera; Eugenio Villagómez-Amezcua Manjarrez; Juan Prisciliano Zárate-Martínez; René Carlos Calderón-Robles; Vicente Eliezer Vega-Murillo
    Number of views: 265
  • 1-10
    Diferencias de especie en las concentraciones plasmáticas y tisulares de florfenicol entre ovinos y conejos
    Authors: Victoria Cazanga R; Jessie Ana Jeldres O; Cristina Palma I; José Riquelme A; Diego Cornejo D; Rubén Pérez F
    Number of views: 242
  • 1-8
    Asociación del polimorfismo FecB con la prolificidad natural del Ovino de Pelo Colombiano
    Authors: Darwin Hernández H; Donicer Montes V; Jaime de la Ossa V
    Number of views: 211
  • 1-9
    Evaluación del efecto acaricida de Momordica charantia, Megaskepasma erythrochlamys y Gliricidia sepium sobre Rhipicephalus microplus
    Authors: Dumar Jaramillo H; Angélica González R; Natalia Pedraza C; Jorge Sierra A; Gina García M; Javier Jara A
    Number of views: 261
  • 1-8
    Parámetros genéticos para crecimiento y reproducción en ganado Simmental mediante parentesco por pedigrí y genómico
    Authors: Alejandro Amaya M; Rodrigo Martínez S; Mario Cerón-Muñoz
    Number of views: 225
  • 1-9
    Vigilancia epidemiológica del virus Occidental del Nilo en las llanuras orientales de Colombia
    Authors: Diana P. Barajas P; Karl A. Ciuoderis A; Dario Cárdenas G; Agustin Góngora O; Jorge Osorio B; Camilo E. Pacheco P; Nestor I. Monroy O; Gloria D Tovar B
    Number of views: 234
  • 1-9
    Prevalence of gastrointestinal endoparasites and ectoparasites in ex situ snakes in Barranquilla, Colombia
    Authors: Nazly Duran P; Mónica Franco G; Henrique G Riva; José Flórez G
    Number of views: 341
  • 1-8
    Quality of bovine colostrum and its relation to genetics, management, physiology and its freezing
    Authors: Ana Luiza B. Schogor; Patricia Glombowsky; Fabiana Both; Beatriz Danieli; Fernanda Rigon; João H. Reis; Aleksandro S. Da Silva
    Number of views: 221
  • 1-10
    Morphological and phaneroptic characterization of Sudan female Colombian Creole Hair Sheep “OPC”
    Authors: Julio Flórez M; Marcos Hernández P; Moris Bustamante Y; Oscar Vergara G
    Number of views: 258
  • 1-4
    Report of Pseudosuccinea columella, infected with Fasciola hepaticaat Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, Guatemala
    Authors: Manuel Lepe-López; Federico Villatoro-Paz; Carlos Valdez-Sandoval; Ligia Rios; Mercedes Díaz-Rodríguez; Dennis Guerra-Centeno
    Number of views: 253
  • 1-5
    Double Renal Artery in Cerdocyon thous
    Authors: Shirley Viana Peçanha; Raquel Batista Junger de Carvalho; Carlos Augusto dos Santos-Sousa; Emanoelli Aparecida Rodrigues dos Santos; Paulo Souza-Junior; Marcelo Abidu-Figueiredo
    Number of views: 203

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