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Revista MVZ Cordoba

Number 20(Supl), 2015

  • 4861-4863
    Mayaro and Chikungunya; two alphaviruses with clinical and epidemiological similarities
    Authors: Salim Mattar V, Marco González T
    Number of views: 430
  • 4864-4873
    Influence of gastrointestinal parasitism on biochemical variables in blood of laying hens
    Authors: Josué P Topázio,1 M.Sc, Gabriela Campigotto,1 M.Sc, Marcel M Boiago,1 Ph.D, Gustavo Machado,2 M.Sc, Diovani Paiano,1 Ph.D, Alexandre A Tonin,3 Ph.D, Aleksandro S da Silva,1* Ph.D.
    Number of views: 347
  • 4874-4883
    Clinical safety of dichlorvos (45%), cypermethrin (5%) and piperonyl butoxide (25%) administered by spray on the skin of cattle
    Authors: Alessandra C Moraes, M.Sc, Ed JR Prado, M.Sc, Vanessa P Faria, MV, Thais MS Gírio, Ph.D, Wilson G Manrique, Ph.D, Marco AA Belo, Ph.D.
    Number of views: 368
  • 4884-4894
    Efficacy of essence oil supplementation to feeds on volatile fatty acid production
    Authors: Ahmet Tekeli, Ph.D, Gültekin Yıldız, Ph.D, Winfried Drochner, Ph.D, Herbert Steingass, Ph.D.
    Number of views: 332
  • 4895-4906
    Conservation and chemical composition of Leucaena Leucocephala plus fresh or wilted Pennisetum purpureum mixed silages
    Authors: Ángel Santana P, Ph.D, Mario Cisneros L, Ph.D, Yordan Martínez A, Ph.D, Yoandris Pascual S, M.Sc
    Number of views: 434
  • 4907-4916
    Fribrinolytic activity and gas production by Pleurotus ostreatus-IE8 and Fomes fomentarius - EUM1 in bagasse cane
    Authors: Paulino Sánchez-Santillán, Ph.D, Marcos Meneses-Mayo, Ph.D, Luis Miranda-Romero, Ph.D, Eduardo Santellano-Estrada, Ph.D, Baldomero Alarcón-Zúñiga, Ph.D.
    Number of views: 395
  • 4917-4928
    Effect of the diet traditional and non-traditional on the respiration and excretion in larvae of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei
    Authors: María Alejandra Medina-Jasso, M.Sc, Juan Francisco Arzola-González, Ph.D, Pablo Piña-Valdez, Ph.D, Mario Nieves-Soto, Ph.D
    Number of views: 358
  • 4929-4936
    Molecular detection and antimicrobial resistance of Aeromonas from houseflies (Musca domestica) in Iran
    Authors: Davood Ommi, MD, Seyed Mohammadreza Hashemian, MD, Elahe Tajbakhsh, Ph.D, Faham Khamesipour, DVM
    Number of views: 366
  • 4937-4946
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa: an emerging nosocomial trouble in veterinary
    Authors: Yuly Bernal-Rosas, M.Sc, Karen Osorio-Muñoz, M.V, Orlando Torres-García, Ph.D.
    Number of views: 593
  • 4947-4961
    Cellulolytic and Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens bacteria population density, after supplementing fodder diets (Pennisetum clandestinum)
    Authors: Licet Molina G, M.Sc, Luis Giraldo V, P.hD, Diana Polanco E, M.Sc, Lina Gutiérrez B, Ph.D
    Number of views: 456
  • 4962-4973
    Estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters for production traits in Holstein and Jersey from Colombia
    Authors: Juan Rincón F,1 Ph.D, Juan Zambrano A, Ph.D, Julián Echeverri, Ph.D
    Number of views: 394
  • 4974-4988
    Genetic structure of Antioquia Holstein from two SNPs and association with dairy traits
    Authors: Stephania Madrid G, M.Sc, Albeiro López H, Ph.D, Julián Echeverri Z, Ph.D.
    Number of views: 350
  • 4989-5003
    Reef fish community in presence of the lionfish (Pterois volitans) in Santa Marta, Colombian Caribbean
    Authors: Rocío García-Urueña, Ph.D, Arturo Acero P, Ph.D, Víctor Coronado-Carrascal, B.Sc.
    Number of views: 407
  • 5004-5013
    Antibodies against spotted fever group Rickettsia sp., in horses of the colombian Orinoquia
    Authors: Diego A. Riveros-Pinilla, MVZ, Leidy Acevedo G, Microbióloga, Andrés F. Londoño, M.Sc, Agustín Góngora O, Dr.Sci.
    Number of views: 436
  • 5014-5027
    Presence of gastrointestinal parasites in swine and human of four swine production farms in Cundinamarca- Colombia
    Authors: María F Mendoza-Gómez, Bact, Adriana Pulido-Villamarín, M.Sc, Angélica Barbosa-Buitrago, MV, Moisés Aranda-Silva, M.Sc.
    Number of views: 421
  • 5028-5036
    Growth and mortality of Cachana (Cynopotamus atratoensis) in the cienaga Grande de Lorica, Colombia
    Authors: Charles Olaya-Nieto, M.Sc, Fredys Segura-Guevara, M.Sc, Antonio Vergara-Paternina, Prof. Acuicul.
    Number of views: 346
  • 5037-5045
    Electrocardiographic parameters in captive, clinically healthy, Amazona ochrocephala
    Authors: Claudia Guerrero S, MV, Janeth Bolivar B,1 MV, Piero Vargas-Pinto, MV, Pedro Vargas-Pinto, Ph. D, Claudia Brieva-Rico, M.Sc
    Number of views: 517
  • 5046-5052
    Fatal parasitosis in blackbucks (Antilope cervicapra): a possible factor risk in hunting units
    Authors: Ned de la Cruz-Hernández, M.Sc, Edgar López-Acevedo, M.Sc, Lorena Torres-Rodríguez, M.Sc, Gabriel Aguirre-Guzmán, Ph.D
    Number of views: 456
  • 5053-5067
    Importance of ticks in the transmission of zoonotic agents
    Authors: scar Betancur H, Ph.D, Antonio Betancourt E, Ph.D, Cristian Giraldo R, MVZ
    Number of views: 364

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