Certificate of state registration: as a printed media, the journal is registered in the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine (KB No 7652 dated July 30, 2003).
Included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in which the results of dissertation papers for obtaining the scientific degrees of a doctor and a candidate of technical sciences (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated December 29, 2014, No. 1528) may be published.
All the articles, published in the Journal of scientific papers "Printing and Publishing", get the digital identifiers DOI.
The main target audience of the journal is leading scientists, academicians, correspondent members, professors, doctors and candidates of sciences, associate professors, doctoral students, postgraduate students, research workers, creative educators, managers and specialists of publishing, printing, packaging and related industries.
The goal of the journal is to highlight the topical issues of the publishing, printing, packaging and related industries.
Publication of scientific research papers concerning the advanced trends of fundamental sciences, applied developments, implementation of innovative projects in accordance with the needs of the publishing, printing, packaging and related industries. The exchange of scientific ideas, research methodology and practical achievements.
The journal of scientific papers "Printing and Publishing" publishes the finished, original researches of Ukrainian and foreign scientists that have not been published earlier, as well as the proceedings of scientific conferences.
The pages of the journal of scientific papers "Printing and Publishing" contain the information on special scientific and technical conferences, symposiums, exhibitions, summaries, reviews and opinions on new study guides, textbooks and monographs, regulations, abstracts of scientific papers, as well as the information on important scientific events.
Main Scientific Directions of the Journal:
Innovative technologies for the production of packaging and printing products
Technical and technological innovations in printing engineering and equipment operation;
Information technologies and systems in the publishing and printing industry;
Information technologies for the development and predictive assessment of the quality of books and electronic publications;
Information technologies for the development of service-oriented systems of online publishing houses;
Production control systems (Workflows) ;
Modern systems of protection of publishing, printing and packaging products from forgery;
Special technologies for reproduction of information for people with visual impairment;
Electronic multimedia editions and latest media;
Modelling processes of text and graphic information perception;
System analysis and modelling of printing and packaging production processes;
Logistics of publishing and printing industries (logistics) ;
Metrology and standardization of printing and packaging processes.
Premedia Technologies and Processes
Modelling, design, three-dimensional virtual visualization of objects and products of publishing and printing;
Technologies for processing and transferring of text and graphic information;
Colour management;
Media photography.
Printing Technology and Related Processes
Print media technologies;
Conventional and special printing techniques;
Functional printing;
Digital printing;
3D printing;
Eco printing;
Latest materials for publishing and printing industries.
Theoretical aspects of book and media production;
Problems of the publishing assortment development and book market replenishment;
History of the publishing business, its sign figures;
Modern publishing strategies;
Theoretical and practical aspects of editing;
Optimization of media content;
Issues of editing and preprint preparation of various types of literature;
Advertising and PR in the publishing business;
Marketing research in the publishing business;
Traditions and innovations in book design;
Development of media design;
Research and popularization of reading;
Introduction of media education and media literacy.