Informação em Pauta is an electronic scientific journal of the Department of Information Sciences and the Post-Graduate Program in Information Science of the Federal University of Ceará (DECINF / PPGCI / UFC), available in Open Access.
It aims to disseminate works that contribute to the development, strengthening and growth of Information Science, Library Science and related areas, encouraging the production of new knowledge among researchers, teachers, students and other professionals from different regions of the country and abroad.
The journal publishes unpublished contributions in three languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English. Evaluations are performed blindly by the Editorial Board and the Advisory Board, and the submission flow is continuous. The articles comprise all modalities of studies of the area of Information Science, but eventually some issues may launch special issues that deal with more specific themes of the area of study in question.
Journal is indexed by
Cite Factor, Diadorim, DRJI, EZ3, Redib, Research Bible,