The Italian Journal of Sports Pedagogy (Rivista Italiana di Pedagogia dello Sport) is a national and international multilingual scholarly peer-review Journal, published by the General Pedagogy Laboratory of the University of Rome Foro Italico in collaboration with the Chair of Pedagogy of Body and Movement and the SAD Service of the University of Naples Parthenope, and with the Aretè Research Group of Catholique University San Antonio of Murcia (UCAM), Spain. It is promoted by the Foro Italico Foundation. The journal is published twice a year (Spring issue and Autumn issue). It wishes to encourage Italian as well as world-wide diffusion of scholarly contributions to the research in pedagogy and didactis applied to sports and physical activity. The journal accepts contributions not only from scientists and educationists studying the relationships between sports and education, but also from professionals with theoretical and empirical interests relating to an emancipative and critical point of view on sport and pedagogy in contemporary culture and society.