ERIES Journal is an international, open access, double blind peer-reviewed and fully refereed scientific journal. The journal aims to publish perspectives of authors dealing with issues of efficiency and/or responsibility in education and related scientific disciplines such as:
- theory and methodology of pedagogy and education;
- theory and methodology of science;
- human resources and human relations management;
- knowledge management and knowledge engineering;
- systems engineering and information
- engineering;
- quantitative methods.
The ERIES Journal is being managed by an international editorial board as a regular scientific journal. A rigorous process of papers’ reviews (double-blind peer review) is fully supported by a web-based submission system. The journal is published four times a year, on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31 of the current year.
Journal is indexed by
BASE, ERIC, EBSCO database, the list of reviewed periodicals in the Czech Republic, Directory of Abstract Indexing for Journals