Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska
Sectio H Oeconomia
- an open-access journal (licence CC-BY), free of charge
- published quarterly by the Faculty since 1967
- papers in economics and finance/management and quality sciences
aimed at a broad readership representing both academia and practitioners
The journal's profile is mainly in line with economics (micro and macroeconomics issues), finance (corporate, private and public finance) and management (corporate, quality and human resources management). The journal accepts articles from the following research areas:
Entrepreneurship (strategic entrepreneurship, international entrepreneurship, innovation, entrepreneurship education, marketing; management; internationalisation strategies; competitiveness of enterprises; transnational corporations).
Trade (traditional and modern forms of trade; export competitiveness; trade policy; value chains; internationalisation of industries; regional trade agreements; protectionism and liberalisation of trade).
Regional economy (challenges of the contemporary regional economy; international comparisons; foreign direct investments; regionalisation and semi-globalisation; innovation of regional economy; international macroeconomy).
Finance (problems of contemporary finance; capital markets; foreign exchange market; capital flows; international corporate finance; consumer finance; financial literacy).
Economic integration (Europeanisation processes; integration and disintegration in the European Union; European economic integration; EU and geopolitics; integration processes in the global economy; integration groups).
Manuscripts are double blind reviewed by two independent external reviewers from outside Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in accordance with journal roles.
Manuscripts are checked by iThenticate (Professional Plagiarism Prevention) to avoid plagiarism.
Journal is indexed by
BazEkon, BazHum, Biblioteka Narodowa, CEEOL, CEJSH, CrossReff, EBSCO CEEAS, ERICH PLUS, FATCAT, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus International - Journal Master List, Library of Congress, ROAD, ZBW/ECONLIT