International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Literature and Education (Revue Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée, de Littérature et d’Education- RILALE- is an online publishing research papers, articles, position papers and conference papers and proceedings in the academic field including : applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, didactics, discourse studies, psycholinguistics, communication literatures, civilisations and culture, education, and related fields. The manuscripts submitted for publication shall be written in one of the following official languages: French, English, German and Spanish.
The ultimate goal of RILALE is to trigger and promote high level scientific debate among specialists and experts in the above-mentioned fields. The process for reporting research findings shall strictly abide by the cardinal academic principles of authenticity and originality. In this respect, no manuscript shall be previously submitted for publication in any other journal. Therefore, before assigning the manuscript to any external reviewer, it shall undergo authenticity, originality and honesty check through antiplagiarism software.
Frequency of publication: Thrice a year (February, June and October)
Journal is indexed by
Google Scholar, Europub, Researchgate, International Scientific Indexing