Plant Biotechnology Persa
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Naser Abbasi
Excutive Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Mahmoud Bahmani
Publication Period: Semi-annual
This is an Open Access Journal
Plant Biotechnology Persa (Plant Biotechnol Persa) is an open access and peer-reviewed journal. The journal is belonges to Ilam University of Medical Sciences,Ilam province,Iran. The journal is published every 6 months each year (Semi-annual). It has been devoted to medicinal plants and biotechnology. The journal focuses on the research, teaching, and application of medicinal plants for treatment of diseases and biotechnology fields.
Plant Biotechnology Persa (Plant Biotechnol Persa) is the intersection between medicinal plants and biotechnology. This international journal publishes manuscripts in the fields of medicinal plants and biotechnology. This journal aims to reach all relevant national and international medical institutions and persons in electronic version free of charge.
Aim and Scope Plant Biotechnology Persa is an online Peer Reviewed international journal to promote all fields of medicinal plants such as herbal drugs, Bioactive compounds, Green Chemistry, Phytomedicine, Phytochemistry, Ethno-botany, Ethno-pharmacology, Ethno-medicine, Phyto-pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, clinical, pharmacological, pharmacokinetic, and toxicological studies of specified herbal medicinal products, herbal preparations and purified compounds as well as all aspects of Biotechnology etc.
Contact information for the journal office
Journal Address: Ilam University of Medical Sciences,Ilam province,Ilam city,Iran.
Postal Code: 6939177143
Journal Address:
Journal Number: +988432223081
E-mail Address: & plant
Acceptance Rate: 2019 (%80) Acceptance Rate: 2020 (%67) Acceptance Rate: 2021(%50) Plant Biotechnology Persa journal has recently been indexed on Index Copernicus, Chemical Abstrach Services (CAS), Google Scholar, SIS, DRJI, Cosmos, ROAD, DOAJ, ESJI, ResearchBib, TIB, Journal Factor, MAIR, ICMJI, J-Gate, CrossRef, WorldCat, EuroPub, Base, Publons, BiblioTeca, UlrichWeb and etc.
Plant Persa biotechnology journal has recently been indexed on Google Scholar.
Journal is indexed by
Index Copernicus, Chemical Abstract Services (CAS), Google Scholar, SIS, DRJI, Cosmos, ROAD, ESJI, ResearchBib, TIB, Journal Factor, MAIR, ICMJI, J-Gate, CrossRef, WorldCat, EuroPub, Base, Publons, BiblioTeca, UlrichWeb