The Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) is a journal that publishes medical and health articles since 2013. Articles are original research that needs to be disseminated and written in English.
In not so long time, GMHC journal published by Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung have already accredited by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 30/E/KPT/2019 valid for 5 (five) years from Volume 7 Number 2 with Sinta (Science and Technology Index) Score is S2. It’s also indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) on 9th May 2017 and Crossref on 2nd January 2018, with DOAJ and Crossref indexing this journal are able to reach international audiences. This achievement received positive responses from researchers, lecturers and health observers alike showed by articles submitted which are triple compare to the number of articles received in its early time. The quality of the articles also show improvement both in methodology and written that will be beneficial for audiences. Research findings were best to disseminate as early as possible so they can be used properly. To support these GMHC publication which was every 6 (six) months in a year will publish every 4 (four) months in one year starting from 2017. The news from science and health about challenges and opportunities in Indonesia is still very quiet that GMHC hopes to become the best means to support researchers, lecturers, and health practitioners to become the voice of Indonesia, especially in health.
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Crossref, Microsoft Academic, WorldCat, Google Scholar