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Medical perspectives (Medicni perspektivi)

Number 4, 2014

  • 4-12
    L-lysine escinat, thiotriazolin, gordox and mydocalm influence on oxygen tension in the intestinal wall and acid-base balance and limited proteolysis in intestinal venous blood in terms of intraabdominal hypertension modeling
    Authors: Sapegin V.I., Sapegin I.D., Ilchenko F.N.
    Number of views: 498
  • 12-17
    Age aspect of adaptive response of the central nervous system in the state of emotional pain
    Authors: Demchenko Ye.M.
    Number of views: 408
  • 18-24
    Diagnostics of disorders of mucociliary clearance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by determining content of medium weight molecules in sputum
    Authors: Pertseva T.O., Lykholat O.A., Gurzhiy O.V.
    Number of views: 453
  • 25-33
    Arterial wall stiffness in patients with essential hypertension at young age
    Authors: Kolesnik E.L.
    Number of views: 464
  • 33-39
    COPD exacerbation: anthropometric characteristics of patients and the frequency of hospital admissions
    Authors: Gashynova K.Y.
    Number of views: 405
  • 40-42
    Diagnostic criteria of the state of the distributed brain stem regulatory structures in cerebrovascular diseases
    Authors: Pogorelov A.V.
    Number of views: 410
  • 43-49
    Roflumilast, ursodeoxycholic acid and nucleinate efficiency in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with accompanying chronic non-stone cholecystitis
    Authors: Dudka T.V., Huhlina O.S.
    Number of views: 431
  • 50-57
    Perioperative hemodynamic status in children with acquired hydrocephalia
    Authors: Snisar V.I., Skliar V.V., Lisivets V.I.
    Number of views: 390
  • 57-66
    Morphologic and immune-histochemic peculiarities of placenta in its dysfunction in anemia of pregnancy
    Authors: Ancheva I.A.
    Number of views: 415
  • 66-70
    The dynamics of histamine level in patients with chronic urticaria under the influence of different methods of treatment
    Authors: Dytyatkovska Ye.M.
    Number of views: 403
  • 70-73
    Clinical and diagnostic features of asthenic states in cerebrovascular diseases
    Authors: Pogorelov A.V.
    Number of views: 475
  • 73-83
    Relationship between aneurism of ascending part of aorta and syndrome of connective tissue dysplasia
    Authors: Osovska N.Yu.
    Number of views: 456
  • 84-89
    Definition of drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to antituberculosis drugs in patients with multidrugresistant tuberculosis and TB with extremely drug resistant depending on the case of the disease
    Authors: Kryzhanovsky D.G., Marchenko N.A., Freivald V.A.
    Number of views: 469
  • 89-97
    Dynamics of endothelial dysfunction, nephropathic and dyslipidemic disorders in patients with insufficient glycemic compensation of type 2 diabetes mellitus during 1 year of application of angiotensin II receptor antagonists for hypertension correction
    Authors: Pertseva N.O.
    Number of views: 428
  • 97-102
    Surgical treatment of laryngeal stenosis with semiconductor laser
    Authors: Chernokur A.A.
    Number of views: 446
  • 103-111
    Interrelation of blood lipid spectrum, level of systemic inflammation and mass of body in patients with coronary heart disease in combination with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and their dynamics in terms of secondary prevention
    Authors: Kuryata O.V., Grechanyk M.M.
    Number of views: 390
  • 112-120
    Cardiovascular risk factors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in combination with hypertension depending on body weight
    Authors: Sіrenko O.Yu.
    Number of views: 437
  • 120-127
    Stage collapse-surgical treatment of patients with bilateral destructive pulmonary tuberculosis
    Authors: Korpusenko I.V.
    Number of views: 460
  • 127-130
    Significance of free radical oxidation in purulent process development in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis I-II severity degree
    Authors: Dronik I.I.
    Number of views: 440
  • 131-135
    Microbial landscape features in patients with generalized periodontitis at pre-clinical and radiological stage of its development
    Authors: Vatamanyuk N.V.
    Number of views: 451
  • 135-140
    Choice of osteoplastic materials for bone regeneration in the treatment of patients with generalized periodontitis with diabetes mellitus tape 2
    Authors: Gudaryan A.A., Shandyba S.I.
    Number of views: 459
  • 141-145
    Features of microbiocenosis of gingival tissues and local immunity in patients with chronic and exacerbated generalized catarrhal gingivitis course
    Authors: Shostenko A.A.
    Number of views: 440
  • 146-153
    Peculiarities of rotavirus infection in children with different genotypes of the lactase gene
    Authors: Abaturov A.E., Stepanova Y.Y., Gerasymenko O.N.
    Number of views: 471
  • 154-158
    The ratio of the subjective audiometry in patients with acoustic trauma and “noisy” production workers
    Authors: Shydlovska T.А., Petruk L.H.
    Number of views: 485
  • 159-164
    Health-defining technology as an interaction of adolescents, family, school and the environment
    Authors: Schudro S.А.
    Number of views: 458
  • 165-169
    Study of psychological bases of leadership competency formation of managers of public health institutions
    Authors: Lekhan V.N., Kryachkova L.V., Kanyuka G.S.
    Number of views: 420
  • 169-177
    The peculiarities of formation of circulatory system pathology of evacuated adult population exposed to ionizing radiation on thyroid gland after the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
    Authors: Kapustinskaia O.A.
    Number of views: 511

Number 3, 2014

  • 04-09
    Translocation of trace elements in the system "Mother-placenta-fetus" in rats with physiological pregnancy and under conditions of lead exposure
    Authors: Biletska E.M., Onul N.М.
    Number of views: 533
  • 10-14
    Behavioral disorders in rats with chronic myocardial dysfunction
    Authors: Rodinskiy A.G., Kozlova Yu.V.
    Number of views: 453
  • 15-18
    Rare human diseases: 9p deletion syndrome
    Authors: Galagan V.O.
    Number of views: 474
  • 18-23
    Evaluation of informativeness of DNA methylation degree of DKK4 gene as a diagnostic criterion in breast adenocarcinoma
    Authors: Zaporozhan V.N., Bubnov V.V., Marichereda V.G., Petrovsky Yu.Yu., Andronov D.Yu.
    Number of views: 507
  • 23-29
    Current approaches to the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia in women with uterine leiomyoma
    Authors: Potapov V.A., Donskaya Yu.V., Medvediev M.V.
    Number of views: 530
  • 29-35
    Peculiarities of diagnostics and clinical course of different immunohistochemical subtypes of breast cancer
    Authors: El Khazhzh M.Kh., Bondarenko I.M., Aseyev O.I., Shponka I.S., Zavizion V.F., Sklyar A.S., Vinichenko L.M., Khodzhuzh M.I., Kunik A.V., Artemenko M.V.
    Number of views: 421
  • 36-43
    Relationship of endothelial dysfunction with degree of renal function damage and lipidemic profile in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension
    Authors: Pertseva N.O.
    Number of views: 529
  • 44-51
    Intraoperative risk of bleeding and its prevention during transcervical myomectomy
    Authors: Kaminsky V.V., Dunaevska V.V., Medvediev M.V.
    Number of views: 447
  • 51-56
    Experimental study of effectiveness of local application of electroneurostimulation, cortexin and methylprednisolone in acute spinal cord injury
    Authors: Tsymbaliuk V.I., Dzyak L.A., Sal'kov N.N., Rodinsky A.G., Tkachenko S.S.
    Number of views: 438
  • 57-61
    Antibacterial activity of probiotics in bladder tumor patients
    Authors: Molchanov R.N.
    Number of views: 438
  • 62-65
    Prognostic criteria for the development of infective endocarditis in children with heart pathology
    Authors: Porokhnya N.G.
    Number of views: 444
  • 65-71
    Atypical depression in the structure of organic mental disorders (literature review)
    Authors: Spirina I.D., Leonov S.F., Shusterman T.Y., Rokutov S.V., Shornikov A.V.
    Number of views: 515
  • 71-75
    Results of cellular immunity research in persons using fixed dentures based on different metal alloys
    Authors: Grizodub D.V.
    Number of views: 462
  • 75-81
    Usage of echocardiography with physical loads for diagnosis of myocardial contractile reserve of the left ventricle in athletes
    Authors: Nekhanevich O.B., Kuznetsova M.A.
    Number of views: 431
  • 81-85
    State of oral hygiene and identification of the main risk factors for inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues in young people
    Authors: Makarenko M.V.
    Number of views: 460
  • 86-91
    Modern views on the pathogenesis of hard dental tissues and periodontium lesions and means of their treatment in children with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
    Authors: Krupey V.Y.
    Number of views: 534
  • 92-97
    Irradiation doses and evaluation of measures of radiological protection of population dwelling in the most radioactively contaminated territories of Ukraine
    Authors: Khomenko I.M.
    Number of views: 418
  • 97-104
    Peculiarities of toxicodynamics and evaluation of hazard of the new avermectin class insecticides–abamectin and emamectin
    Authors: Shpak B.I., Antonenko A.M., Korshun M.M.
    Number of views: 481
  • 105-111
    Level of infertility in regions according to Ministry of Public Health data
    Authors: Tymchenko O.I., Mykytenko D.O., Koba O. P., Lynchak O.V.
    Number of views: 540

Number 2, 2014

  • 04-12
    Biomineralization of magnet nanoparticles with bacterial symbionts of man
    Authors: Horobets S.V., Horobets О.Yu., Butenko К.О., Chyzh Yu.М.
    Number of views: 433
  • 12-17
    Experimental study of modifying influence of nanoaquachelate gold citrate on embryotoxicity of lead acetate in rats
    Authors: Shatorna V.F., Garetz V.I., Biletska E.M.*, Onul N.М.*, Nefyodova O.O., Ostrovskа S.S., Stepanov S.V., Dihno N.I.
    Number of views: 434
  • 18-24
    Perspectives of treatment of anemias with cells of fetal liver, immobilized in macroporous alginategelatin carriers
    Authors: Gritsay D.V., Lebedinsky A.S., Ochenashko O.V., Petrenko Yu.А., Petrenko А.Yu.
    Number of views: 403
  • 25-32
    Episodes of asthma during pregnancy – link with a viral infection and treatment approaches
    Authors: Pertseva T.A., Kireyeva T.V., Kravchenko N.K.
    Number of views: 426
  • 32-38
    Optimizing antibiotic therapy of group IV community-acquired pneumonia patients
    Authors: Dziublyk Ya.O.
    Number of views: 430
  • 39-45
    The rate of liver impairment, character of bacteremia and serum bactericidal activity in patients with cirrhosis
    Authors: Krutikov S.N., Krivorutchenko Yu.L., Postnikova O.N., Krutikova M.S., Logadir T.A.
    Number of views: 379
  • 45-52
    Frameless stereotaxic radiosurgery for multiple brain metastases
    Authors: Diкаn I.N., Griazov А.B., Аndreychenko Е.G., Zemskova О.V., Кruchоk I.V., Denisenko М.М., Spasichenko I.P.
    Number of views: 423
  • 53-60
    Features of severe community acquired pneumonia in hiv-infected patients
    Authors: Bielosludtseva K.O.
    Number of views: 412
  • 60-64
    Combined trauma in peaceful time
    Authors: Chaika V.A.
    Number of views: 366
  • 64-71
    Pathogenetic substantiation of surgical treatment of recurrent inguinal hernia
    Authors: Bilіanskyі L.S., Svіsenko O.V., Netesa S.I.
    Number of views: 468
  • 72-78
    Analysis of study rezults of biopsies of the vagina mucous membrane in women with recurrent genital prolapse
    Authors: Banakhevich R.M., Akimova К.В., Gritsenko P.O., Roghnev E.Yu.
    Number of views: 552
  • 78-85
    Influence of anesthesia techniques of caesarean section on memory, perception and speech
    Authors: Volkov O.O.
    Number of views: 521
  • 85-92
    Features of bioelectrical activity of the heart in children with chronic pyelonephritis
    Authors: Vakulenko L.I.
    Number of views: 504
  • 92-97
    State of cognitive development in children 5-6 years of age with nutritional iron deficiency
    Authors: Mokiya- Serbinа S.A., Chechel V.V.
    Number of views: 410
  • 97-102
    Role of adjuvant therapy in the treatment of helicobacter pylori infection in children
    Authors: Gerasymenko O.N.
    Number of views: 373
  • 103-107
    Methods of diagnosing and restoring teeth abutments with different degrees of inclination in hard tissue defects and periodontal diseases.
    Authors: Vyklyuk I.V., Ozhogan Z.R.
    Number of views: 484
  • 108-111
    Dynamic of changes of lactoferrin content in rotavirus infection in children of early age
    Authors: Abaturov A.E., Stepanova Yu.Yu.
    Number of views: 436
  • 112-122
    Postoperative atrial fibrillation
    Authors: Yepanchintseva О.А.
    Number of views: 415
  • 123-129
    Role of ecosystem of reservoir basin of the Dnieper river for ensuring life standards and population’s health in Ukraine.
    Authors: Shapar A.G.
    Number of views: 392
  • 130-138
    Hygienic aspects of lead osteotropicity as a risk factor of calcium-deficit pathology in man (literature survey)
    Authors: Biletska E.M., Onul N.M., Bezub O.V.
    Number of views: 472
  • 139-144
    Morpho-functional state of the liver and changes of blood biochemical parameters in rats exposed to lead sulfide nanoparticles in the remote terms of research.
    Authors: Omelchuk S.T., Aleksiychuk V.D.
    Number of views: 402
  • 144-151
    Hygienic assessment of safety of environmental objects and agricultural crops in anilinopyrimidines fungicides application
    Authors: Vavrinevych E.P., Omelchuk S.T., Bardov V.G., Bilous S.V.
    Number of views: 461
  • 152-158
    Substaniation of antimicrobial dressings use in surgery
    Authors: Paliy G.K., Nazarchuk O.A., Kulakov O.I., Paliy V.G., Nazarchuk S.A., Paliy D.V., Kordon Y.V., Gonchar O.O.
    Number of views: 448
  • 159-161
    Incidence of respiratory tract sarcoidosis in southern and northern regions of Ukraine
    Authors: Gumenyuk G.L.
    Number of views: 379

Number 1, 2014

  • 4-10
    Magnetic force microscopy of atherosclerotic plaque
    Authors: Alexeeva T.A., Gorobets S.V., Gorobets O.Yu., Demianenko I.V., Lazarenko O.M.
    Number of views: 449
  • 10-15
    Psycho-emotional state of rats under thyroid dysfunction
    Authors: Demchenko Е.М.
    Number of views: 415
  • 16-21
    Monosynaptic responses of ventral roots of spinal cord in experimental diabetes mellitus
    Authors: Rodinsky A.G., Zinov’yeva E.G., Romanenko L.A.
    Number of views: 411
  • 22-28
    Features of resistance of major pathogens of respiratory tract infections in Dnipropetrovsk region
    Authors: Pertseva T.O., Kireyeva T.V., Bratus O.V., Shtepa O.O., Yuvko O.V.
    Number of views: 402
  • 29-36
    Hemodynamics, functional state of endothelium and renal function, platelets depending on the body mass index in patients with chronic heart failure and preserved systolic function
    Authors: Kushnir Yu.S.
    Number of views: 385
  • 37-44
    Assessing significance of peripheral blood indicators for differential diagnosis and prognosis of thrombotic complications in polycythemia vera and secondary erythrocytosis
    Authors: Kostiukevych O.M., Mishcheniuk O.Y., Klymenko S.V.
    Number of views: 476
  • 45-50
    Pneumonia in patients on the background of blood cancer
    Authors: Pertseva T.A., Borisova I.S.
    Number of views: 403
  • 50-56
    Errors and complications in hip arthroplasty using cement technology
    Authors: Loskutov O.E., Vasil'chenko E.V.
    Number of views: 448
  • 56-63
    Change in endothelial function state under the influence of antihypertensive therapy in patients with arterial hypertension and high cardiovascular risk
    Authors: Turlyun T.S.
    Number of views: 515
  • 63-69
    Clinical features of depressive disorders of patients with brain tumors
    Authors: Ogorenko V.V.
    Number of views: 411
  • 69-76
    State of catecxolaminergine systems of the brain in forming of sydnocarb psychosis
    Authors: Al Nasir Eiad, Kharaponova H.B., Alnukari Abdul Karim, Demchenco H.N., Drozdov A.L.
    Number of views: 453
  • 77-81
    Modern approaches to diagnostics of osteoporosis and ischemia in women after menopause under conditions of primary medical and sanitary aid
    Authors: Bugrim T.V.
    Number of views: 425
  • 82-86
    The prognostic value of pyeloectasis in infants with urinary syndrome
    Authors: Kozachkovsky A.E., Vysochina I.L.
    Number of views: 447
  • 86-90
    Stomach cancer involving esophagus. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention by specific methods
    Authors: Filippov Yu.О., Tyutyunnik V.M.
    Number of views: 426
  • 91-96
    Comparative effectiveness of using resorbable membranes of polylactic acid and collagen in regeneration of bone defects in patients with periimplantitis
    Authors: Gudaryan A.A., Idashkina N.G., Shirinkin S.V.
    Number of views: 420
  • 96-101
    Biophysical parameters of the oral fluid and cells of the buccal epithelium in children with diseases of the thyroid gland in the course of orthodontic treatment of maxillodental anomalies
    Authors: Kolesnik K.A., Denga E.M.
    Number of views: 448
  • 101-106
    Effectiveness of preeclampsia prognosis in pregnancy
    Authors: Loskutova T.O.
    Number of views: 415
  • 107-111
    Analysis of environment state in technogenic region and its threat to public health
    Authors: Grishenko S.V., Grishenko I.I., Ohotnikova M.V., Mustafina A.O., Kudimov P.V., Mustafin T.A.
    Number of views: 430
  • 112-120
    Scientific substantination of maximum allowable concentration of fluopicolide in water
    Authors: Pelo I.М., Blagaia A.V.
    Number of views: 456
  • 121-128
    Identification of risk factors of computer information technologies in education
    Authors: Hrebniak M.P., Shchudro S.A., Yakimova K.O.
    Number of views: 414
  • 129-134
    Analysis of experience of legal regulation in the sphere of public administration of sanatorium providing of children in the Russian Federation
    Authors: Kovalenko T.Yu.
    Number of views: 458
  • 135-141
    Definition of quality of life in people with disabilities
    Authors: Kyrychenko A.G.
    Number of views: 432
  • 142-147
    About the need of organization of clinical examination of young people with small developmental heart abnormalities
    Authors: Lyulka Y.P., Dukelsky O.O., Maksimenko O.P., Kuznetsova M.A.
    Number of views: 438

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