Vakfiyeler Işığında Hacı Bektaş Veli Tekkesi ve Bazı Bektaşi Tekke ve Türbeleriyle İlişkileri
Authors: Nilgün ÇEVRİMLİ
Number of views: 469
Dervish lodges (tekke) and monasteries (zāwiyah), which played an important role in the foundation
period of the Ottoman Empire, were organized on the basis of futuwwat (bravery) understanding
and encouraged to be established as a religious endowment in the areas assigned by the state. In this
way, most of the lands have been enriched and improved, as well as contributing to the production.
On the other hand, these institutions, which became outposts in ensuring the security of the state,
provided some other services, such as hosting travellers, catering, meeting other needs, and warming
their hearts to the religion of Islam. Thanks to these endowments, the architectural elements, such as
dervish convent, hangars, and hospitals, which classified according to their functional features and
shaped by the teachings of the order, were appeared. An important part of these organizations, which are generally defined as tekke and zāwiyah, were established by the followers of Bektashi order. In
this study, the places where the endowments in question were founded, the purposes of their establishment, the charity services they provided, their management and related issues, and the practices
carried out by the political authority to solve their problems in managing the lodge, were determined.
These endowments were established between the 15th and 19th centuries, especially in cities, namely Istanbul, Izmir, Edirne, Tokat, and, now foreign cities, Crete, Macedonia, Greece and Belgrade.
Some of these were established by notable names in the Bektashi order and the rest by Pashas. The
property of the endowments were generally consists of personal and real estates, money and animals.
Their taxes were paid from the income, the rest was spent for maintenance of the lodges and shrines,
and needs of the poor who shelter in lodges and stay over. Generally, the first person to set up the
endowment was trustee in the management, then his/her children or some one or an authority asked
by the endower. In the event that the child or the person to whom the stipulation was inserted, became
extinct, a person who is post-niche or who is from the Bektashi order is usually required in the Haci
Bektashi Lodge in Kırşehir.