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Indonesian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Number 4, 2002

  • 207 - 213
    The effect adding layer manure in ration as alternative feed on pig production
    Authors: Saulan Sinaga, Marsudi Silalahi
    Number of views: 553
  • 214 - 219
    Feeding of Aspergillus oryzae fermentation culture (AOFC) to growing sheep: 2. Growth rate and feed efficiency
    Authors: D Lubis, B Haryanto, E Wina, T Sugiharyantatmo
    Number of views: 362
  • 220 - 226
    Effect of additional of microbial growth factors combined with and without microbe preparate on growth performance of Etawah-cross goat
    Authors: Amlius thalib
    Number of views: 411
  • 227 - 236
    Milk production capacity of prolific Priangan sheep: Preweaning performance
    Authors: Bess Tiesnamurti, Ismeth Inonou, Subandriyo
    Number of views: 445
  • 237 - 243
    The effect of cryoprotectant and equilibration period on quality and fertility of duck and muscovy sperm
    Authors: A.R Setioko, P Situmorang, E Triwulanningsih, T Sugiarti, D.A Kusumaningrum
    Number of views: 355
  • 244 - 250
    Effect of cryoprotectant and its level to survivability of drake semen
    Authors: Kusumaningrum D.A, P Situmorang, A.R Setioko, T Sugiarti, E Triwulanningsih, R.G Sianturi
    Number of views: 408
  • 251 - 258
    The effects of cholesterol on the viability and fertility of bull spermatozoa
    Authors: Polmer Situmorang
    Number of views: 395
  • 259 - 264
    Effect of biofertilizer and chemical fertilizer on growth and production of Panicum maximum
    Authors: Ni Putu Suratmini, Supriyati ., I Heliati, I.P Kompiang
    Number of views: 506
  • 265 - 271
    Dermatopathology of Caprine Scabies and Protective Immunity in Sensitised Goats Against Sarcoptes scabiei Reinfestation
    Authors: Simson Tarigan
    Number of views: 426
  • 272 - 279
    Isolation of bluetongue serotypes 1, 6 and 21 from insects in West Java
    Authors: indrawati sendow
    Number of views: 373

Number 3, 2002

  • 139 - 143
    Effect of Bacillus apiarius or Torulaspora delbrueckii on performance of broiler chicken
    Authors: I.P Kompiang, D Zaenuddin, Supriyati
    Number of views: 345
  • 144 - 149
    Effect of feeding methods of katuk (Sauropus androgynus) extract on performance and carcass quality of broiler chickens
    Authors: U Santoso, T Suteky, Heryanto ., Sunarti .
    Number of views: 482
  • 150 - 154
    The chemical changing during fermentation of cassava tuber skin and its utilization in broiler chicken ration
    Authors: Supriyati ., I.P Kompiang
    Number of views: 403
  • 155 - 161
    Feeding Aspergillus oryzae Fermentation Culture (AOFC) to Growing Sheep: 1. The Effect of AOFC on Rumen Fermentation
    Authors: Darwinsyah Lubis, Elizabeth Wina, Budi Haryanto, T Suhargiyantatmo
    Number of views: 397
  • 162 - 166
    Effect of tempe waste on excreation of purine derivatives and microbial–N supply in lactating Etawah crossbred goats
    Authors: D.A Astuti, E Wina
    Number of views: 349
  • 167 - 180
    Strategic study on energy-protein requirements for local sheep: 4. Ewes during late pregnancy
    Authors: I-W Mathius, D Sastradipradja, T Sutardi, A Natasasmita, L.A Sofyan, D.T.H Sihombing
    Number of views: 389
  • 181 - 187
    The effects of inclusion of exogenous phospholipid in Tris diluent with different level of egg yolk on the viability of bull spermatozoa
    Authors: P Situmorang
    Number of views: 384
  • 188 - 193
    Effect of Collection Technique on Yield of Bovine Oocytes and the Development Potential of Oocytes from Different Grades of Oocytes
    Authors: R.G Sianturi, M Thein, H Wahid, Yono C Rosnina
    Number of views: 427
  • 194 - 199
    Quality of Garut ram frozen semen in various glycerol concentrations
    Authors: Muhammad Rizal, M.R Toelihere, T.L Yusuf, B Purwantara, P Situmorang
    Number of views: 394
  • 200 - 206
    The responses of eosinophil and packed cell volume (PCV) on sheep infected with Fasciola gigantica
    Authors: S Widjajanti, S Endah Estuningsih, Subandriyo Partoutomo, H.W Raadsma, T.W Spithill, D Piedrafita
    Number of views: 372

Number 2, 2002

  • 69 - 75
    Responses of broilers to Aloe vera bioactives as feed additive: The effect of different forms and levels of bioactives on performances of broilers
    Authors: A.P Sinurat, T Purwadaria, M.H Togatorop, T Pasaribu, I.A.K Bintang, S Sitompul, J Rosida
    Number of views: 398
  • 76 - 83
    Effect of restricted feeding on productivity of Mojosari x Alabio cross-bred layer ducks (MA): 2. Second phase of laying from 44-67 weeks old
    Authors: P.P Ketaren, L.H Prasetyo
    Number of views: 446
  • 84 - 89
    Effects of house type and early feed restriction on performance and fat deposition in unsexed broilers
    Authors: U Santoso
    Number of views: 500
  • 90 - 98
    Effectiveness of Aspergillus oryzae fermentation culture to improve digestion of fibrous feeds
    Authors: Darwinsyah Lubis, E Wina, B Haryanto, T Suhargiantatmo
    Number of views: 364
  • 99 - 109
    Dietary energy and crude protein requirements of Ettawah Cross Kids: 1. Intake, digestibility, availability and utilization of nutrients
    Authors: I-W Mathius, I.B Gaga, I-K Sutama
    Number of views: 379
  • 110 - 115
    Oestrous synchronization using composite solution of testosterone, oestradiol and progesterone on Peranakan Etawah goat
    Authors: I-Ketut Sutama, R Dharsana, I-G.M Budiarsana, T Kostaman
    Number of views: 420
  • 116 - 123
    Effect of exogenous glutathione in medium fertilization to improve blastocyst rates of bovine embryos
    Authors: E Triwulaninngsih, P Situmorang, I-G Putu, T Sugiarti, A.M Lubis, D.A Kusumaningrum, W Caroline, R.G Sianturi
    Number of views: 346
  • 124 - 129
    In vitro studies: The role of immunological cells in Indonesian thin tail sheep in the killing of the liver fluke, Fasciola
    Authors: S.E Estuningsih, S Wiidjajanti, S Partoutomo, Spithill ., H Raadsma, D Piedrafita
    Number of views: 370
  • 130 - 137
    The development of an Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for detecting Injectious laryngotrachitis viral antibodies in chicken serum
    Authors: Risa Indriani, R.M Abdul Adjid, Darminto ., Helmy Hamid
    Number of views: 372

Number 1, 2002

  • 1 - 11
    Metabolism in compensatory growth: VI. Effect of energy yielding substrates
    Authors: Prapti Mahyudi
    Number of views: 397
  • 12 - 17
    Improvement of frozen semen quality of Garut Sheep through the addition of α-tocopherol into yolk egg-skim milk diluent
    Authors: Herdis ., Kusuma ., M Surachman, I.K Sutama, M Riza, I Inounu, B Purwantara, I Arifiantini
    Number of views: 396
  • 18 - 21
    Effect of Yeast : Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Marine Yeast as probiotic supplement on performance of poultry
    Authors: I Putu Kompiang
    Number of views: 452
  • 22 - 29
    The effect of dietary crude protein substitution as protected soybean meal on pregnant and lactating ewes’ performance
    Authors: I-W Mathius, D Yulistiani, W Puastuti
    Number of views: 395
  • 30 - 37
    Using CR1aa versus KSOM as the culture medium for in vitro embryo production of cattle
    Authors: Endang Triwulaninngsih, M.R Toelihere, J.J Rutledge, T.L Yusuf, B Purwantara, K Diwyanto
    Number of views: 422
  • 38 - 45
    Effect of restrticted feeding on productivity of Mojosari x Alabio cross-bred layer ducks (MA): 1. First phase of laying 20-43 weeks old
    Authors: Pius P Ketaren, L.H Prasetyo
    Number of views: 433
  • 46 - 54
    The use of blood protein polymorphism to estimate genetic distance among populations of Indonesian native sheep, St. Croix and Merino
    Authors: Agus Suparyanto, T Purwadaria, Subandriyo ., T Haryati, K Diwyanto
    Number of views: 397
  • 55 - 61
    Protection of a live Pasteurella multocida B:3,4 vaccine against haemorrhagic septicaemia in cattle
    Authors: Adin Priadi, Lily Natalia
    Number of views: 428
  • 62 - 68
    Infection of Parainfluenza type 3 (PI-3) as one of the causative agent of pneumonia in sheep and goats
    Authors: Indrawati Sendow, Tatty Syafriati, Ening Wiedosari, Paul Selleck
    Number of views: 409

Number 4, 2001

  • 213 - 219
    Utilization of palm oil sludge in poultry diet. 4. Inclusion of fresh or dried fermented palm oil sludge in native chicken's diet
    Authors: A.P Sinurat, T Purwadaria, T Pasaribu, J Darma, I.A.K Bintang, M.H Togatorop
    Number of views: 531
  • 220 - 226
    Effects of Sallropus androgynus (katuk) leaf extract on growth, fat accumulation and fecal microorganisms in broiler chickens
    Authors: U Santoso, E Handayani, Suharyanto
    Number of views: 441
  • 227 - 232
    Spontaneous cholangiohepatitis in broiler chickens: immunohistochemical study of Ito cells
    Authors: E Handharyani, K Ochiai, W Winarsih, E Harlina, Salfina Nurdin Estuninngsih
    Number of views: 414
  • 233 - 238
    Nutritive value of palm oil sludge fermented with Aspergillus niger after stored in different packing materials
    Authors: T Pasaribu, T Purwadaria, A.P Sinurat, J Rosida, D.O.D Saputra
    Number of views: 357
  • 239 - 246
    The detection of infectious bronchitis viral antigen by means of immunohistochemical technique in broiler chicken infected with I-269 IB isolate or injected with H-120 live vaccine
    Authors: Rini Damayanti, Darminto
    Number of views: 418
  • 247 - 253
    IBR vaccination program evaluation in Bali cattle using inactive vaccine BHV-1 field isolate with serum netralization test in laboratorium scale
    Authors: Sudarisman
    Number of views: 436
  • 254 - 258
    Acid base status in swamp buffaloes (Bubalus Bubalis) fed rice straw and concentrate with addition of sodium
    Authors: G Joseph
    Number of views: 496
  • 259 - 264
    Non-linear growth analysis of Sumatera thin tail sheep and its cross breds
    Authors: Agus Suparyanto, Subandriyo ., T.R Widarya, H.H Martojo
    Number of views: 405
  • 265 - 268
    Antibody fluctuations of infected cattle with Fasciola gigantica and the effect of triclabendazole treatment
    Authors: S Widjajanti, S.E Estuningsih, Suharyanta
    Number of views: 389
  • 269 - 273
    The use of monthly egg production records for genetic evaluation of laying hens
    Authors: A Anang, M Mielenz, L Schuler, Rachmat Preisinger
    Number of views: 382
  • 274 - 278
    Immunohistochemical study of Ito cells of spontaneous cholangiohepatitis in broiler chickens
    Authors: E Handharyani, K. Ochiai, W. Winarsih, E. Harlina, S. Estuninngsih
    Number of views: 384
  • 279 - 284
    Polymerase chain reaction optimization for the detection of Pasteurella multocida B:2, the causative agent of Haemorrhagic septicaemia
    Authors: Lily Natalia, Adin Priadi
    Number of views: 384

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