p. 87-99
Agricultural Insurance in Russia and Abroad: Comparative Characteristics
Authors: Yuri A. Spletuhov
Number of views: 198
The article discusses the practice of agricultural insurance in the Russian Federation and in foreign countries, and, above all, agricultural insurance programs with state support. In particular, it characterizes the objectives that the state solves when providing such support, the content of programs, the consequences of their implementation. The author generalizes the principles of crops and cattle insurance with the state participation in Russia and analyzes it. The dynamics of insurance development. Particular attention is paid to countries with the most developed insurance program as the USA, Canada and Spain. Moreover, the author provides characteristics of agricultural insurance schemes, defines the role and functions of state and private insurers, state support methods, insurance types and achieved results. In conclusion, the author dwells on the problems arising in the implementation of agricultural insurance programs with government support.