Omnidirectional robot for the diagnosis of the attention deficit
Authors: Richard Camilo Bravo Angarita, Ivan Fernando Vargas Ochoa, Cesar Augusto Peña Cortes
Number of views: 121
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) occurs in 16% of the Colombian student population and estimates that between 30-70% of these children continue to show symptoms in adulthood. Thus, a tool is proposed for the professional to support his diagnosis according to the criteria offered by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DMS). An omnidirectional platform is implemented, striking for its design, for children, adolescents and that becomes a concentration challenge for adults.
With an Electroencephalography (EEG) helmet a brain wave reading is made; with the help of a Computer Brain Interface (BCI) you can have the reading of facial gestures, having said reading is implemented to control the omnidirectional platform, with the same BCI you also have the reading of concentration, stress, excitation, etc. of individuals; Thus, the professional in the area can support his diagnosis according to several factors, such as: EEG interpretation, emotional data (concentration, stress, excitement ...), and the observation of the individual. The evaluation of the patient makes the health professional, generating some challenges to overcome the platform and interpreting the different data according to their professional criteria.