We propose a model PT - symmetry operator(H) in the form of (2x2) matrix and find
corresponding charge operator (C) such that it stisfies all the necessary appropriate commutation
relations [H,PT]=0;[H,C]=0,[C,PT]=0 and [H,CPT]=0 in order to justify a model in complex
quantum system like that to preserve the necessary conditions in Hilbert space
We give different representations of the solutions of the Johnson equation with parameters.
First, an expression in terms of Fredholm determinants is given; we give also a representation
of the solutions written as a quotient of wronskians of order 2N. These solutions of order N depend
on 2N − 1 parameters. When one of these parameters tends to zero, we obtain N order rational
solutions expressed as a quotient of two polynomials of degree 2N(N + 1) in x, t and 4N(N + 1)
in y depending on 2N − 2 parameters.
Here, we explicitly construct the expressions of the rational solutions of order 5 depending on 8
real parameters and we study the patterns of their modulus in the plane (x, y) and their evolution
according to time and parameters ai and bi for 1 ≤ i ≤ 4.