Value and features of entropy system impact of a viral infection on insulin system and function of consciousness of the person
Authors: MD B.I. Bleskin, Yu.A. Hlestkov, N.S. Trushkin, L.A. Sukhanova, K.E. Ivanov, V.M. Stepanishchev, D.V. Verbov, E.Yu. Churakova
Number of views: 377
The history of mankind is oversaturated by wars, the social conflicts, meaningless the passional movements, with larger tragic consequences. There is a taken roots opinion that so was, so is and so will be...The inaaccurance of ideational activity of people is the cornerstone of these historical events. In the 20th century, for example, repeatedly not only mankind, but also all biosphere of Earth was on the verge of death. For the purpose of optimization of ideational activity of people there is a need to understand a mosaic of information bound to the mechanism of disturbance and weakening of function of thinking. In works of A.L. Chizhevsky and his followers influence of influence of Solar activity on disturbance of adequacy of behavior of people, on emergence of passionarity, wars and epidemics is shown. However, the concrete mechanism of this impact on the person is sufficiently not explained that doesn't allow to perform productively prevention and fight against these pathological states is destructive influencing on behavior and acts of people and larger social groups.