Change of canned organoleptic characteristics of sweet pepper depending on the variety and long-term storage
Authors: Machulkina V., Sannikova Т.
Number of views: 265
Pepper sweet is one of the leading cultures in the content of ascorbic acid. The use of its fruits, both fresh and recycled, allows satisfying the daily needs of the human body in ascorbic acid, not only during the season but also in the off-season. When canning sweet pepper changes occur in the product, therefore, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Irrigation Vegetable and Melon Crops employees set the task to determine the change in organoleptic parameters in canned pepper, depending on the storage time in the naturally–existing storage space. For research, sweet pepper varieties of our institute were used: Mramornyi, Atamor and Ludmila. The carried-out research work has shown that the biochemical composition and quality of the finished canned products, as well as fresh, primarily depends on the variety. Thus, the content of ascorbic acid in the Ludmila variety in fresh fruits was 1.2–1.3 times, and 1.3 times higher than the other studied varieties by the end of storage of finished products. The sugar/acid index, characterizing the taste of the produce, regardless of the grade, was above 7 units, which indicates a high quality of canned sweet pepper. Ludmila also distinguished itself by its taste qualities, in relation to other varieties. The tasting commission evaluated the fresh production of sweet pepper in the range of 4.1 Mramornyi, 4.4 Atamor and 4.8 grades of Ludmila on a five–point scale. After 90 days of storage of canned sweet pepper, the tasting assessment varied from 4.4 to 5.0 points, with further storage, it slightly decreased. Perhaps these changes occurred due to the diffusion of sugars from the product into the fill during storage.