Smart Grids Stimulate Electricity Network Companies
Authors: Krasimira Vasileva Keremidchieva
Number of views: 510
On 19 February 2015 the 4 Brussels-based associations representing DSOs for electricity and natural gas gathered at an international conference and presented a joint open appeal addressed to the EU Commissioner for Climate and Energy.
This open letter states that the European energy sector is going through a stage of transitional changes. DSOs are willing to empower these changes and are offering the EU Commission their constructive support. Follow the recommendations made by the Association's speakers and included in the letter.
“The ambitious short-term 2020 and medium-term 2030 agenda can only be achieved if the needed actions are taken to empower Europe's DSOs in their role as neutral market facilitator."
This means acknowledging their evolving set of tools, their responsibilities in metering and data management, and their facilitation of smart markets. It also requires supporting smart grids innovation and demonstration, improving the investment climate, indicating common principles of distribution, and fully implementing the Third Package