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Number 1, 2019

  • 14
    Curricular policies and the common curricular national basis: emancipation or regulation?
    Authors: Maria de Lourdes Pinto de Almeida; Hildegard Susana Jung
    Number of views: 333
  • 14
    Childhood, passages for a learning flâneur
    Authors: Eduardo Oliveira Sanches; Divino José da Silva
    Number of views: 290
  • 15
    The trip education, school and religion in the constitution of young and child subjects
    Authors: Daniela Medeiros de Azevedo Prates
    Number of views: 279
  • 15
    The biographematic method: new scripture in education
    Authors: Gabriel Sausen Feil
    Number of views: 290
  • 16
    ABC Tests in the context of the School Ipiranga/RS: theoretical and daily assumptions of school practice
    Authors: Renata dos Santos Alves; Carmo Thum
    Number of views: 285
  • 17
    Teaching and learning a Second language, in a migration context: the Italian case
    Authors: Clara Silva
    Number of views: 360
  • 17
    Acknowledgment and popular education: A democratic-republican perspective
    Authors: Vânia Lisa Fischer Cossetin; Paulo Evaldo Fensterseifer
    Number of views: 276
  • 17
    Technologies and Education: UNESCO's discourse
    Authors: Andréa Villela Mafra da Silva
    Number of views: 299
  • 17
    Learning and teaching from Martin Heidegger’s What’s a Thing?
    Authors: Adma Emanuelle Gama; Walter Matias Lima
    Number of views: 320
  • 17
    Young People and Adult Education, Multigraded Teaching and Digital Learning Resources: an attempt dialogue
    Authors: Gabriel Moreira Beraldi; Francisco Roberto Pinto Mattos; Aira Suzana Ribeiro Martins
    Number of views: 333
  • 18
    What do children say about school?
    Authors: Adriana Regina de Jesus Santos
    Number of views: 277
  • 18
    "Are you queer? Do you like man?": Homosexuals teachers and sexuality device at school
    Authors: Filipe Gabriel Ribeiro França
    Number of views: 299
  • 19
    The concept of innovation in education: a necessary review
    Authors: Fernando Gomes de Oliveira Tavares
    Number of views: 957
  • 19
    The Pomeranian child in early childhood education: can I speak my language here?
    Authors: Rosali Rauta Siller; Vânia Carvalho de Araújo
    Number of views: 409
  • 19
    Unpolitical Schools Movement and the ideas of Paulo Freire
    Authors: Heli Sabino de Oliveira; Débora Mariz
    Number of views: 401
  • 19
    Aesthetic-Environmental Education in Brazil (Based on Pablo René Estévez’s legacy)
    Authors: Lurima Estevez Alvarez; Elisabeth Brandão Schmidt
    Number of views: 316
  • 19
    Bartleby and the contingency: knowing-doing- with the impossible
    Authors: Janniny Gautério Kierniew; Simone Zanon Moschen
    Number of views: 388
  • 19
    Education sciences: epistemological specificity, objectivity and pedagogical practice
    Authors: Catia Piccolo Viero Devechi; Benedetta Bisol
    Number of views: 266
  • 19
    Mediation in Early Childhood Education: the possibility of learning
    Authors: Angela do Céu Ubaiara Brito; Tizuko Morchida Kishimoto
    Number of views: 280
  • 20
    Guidelines to guide the formulation and implementation of Design actions in University Extension
    Authors: André Luis Marques da Silveira; Gabriela Würzius Zambenedetti; Vinicius Gadis Ribeiro
    Number of views: 301
  • 20
    Quilombola school education in the state of Amapá: from the intentions to the portrait of reality
    Authors: Elivaldo Serrão Custódio
    Number of views: 297
  • 20
    Financial impacts of a policy of class-size reduction: the Portuguese case
    Authors: Pedro Ribeiro Mucharreira; Belmiro Gil Cabrito; Luís Capucha
    Number of views: 271
  • 20
    Dispositive of technoscientificity and Adult Education
    Authors: Daiane Martins Bocasanta; Fernanda Wanderer; Gelsa Knijnik
    Number of views: 274
  • 20
    The reform of Middle School and the production of inequalities in school education
    Authors: Paulo Romualdo Hernandes
    Number of views: 282
  • 20
    Popular Education and Resistence: the popular health schools in East Timor
    Authors: Samuel Penteado Urban
    Number of views: 290
  • 20
    Environmental Education in Brazil: reflections from the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development of the United Nations (20052014)
    Authors: Carlos Eduardo Marques da Silva; Simone Ferreira Teixeira
    Number of views: 278
  • 20
    PROEJA in IFMT: Inclusion or exclusion possibilities?
    Authors: Nadir de Fátima Borges Bittencourt; Maria de Fatima Pereira Alberto; Antonio Cezar da Costa Santos
    Number of views: 302
  • 21
    A drama in the curriculum - transcreation workshops
    Authors: Karen Elisabete Rosa Nodari; Sandra Mara Corazza
    Number of views: 284
  • 21
    Play at child education: problematizing gender relations in school
    Authors: Juliana Nascimento de Alcântara; Alfrancio Ferreira Dias; Rosana Carla de Nascimento Givigi
    Number of views: 341
  • 21
    States Conceptions and the Materialization of the National Program of Student Assistance – PNAES
    Authors: Débora Rogéria Neres De Souza Garcia; Carina Elisabeth Maciel
    Number of views: 271
  • 21
    Pedagogical mediation in the disabled college students relationship
    Authors: Tania Mara Zancanaro Pieczkowski
    Number of views: 284
  • 21
    The teacher training in the 13td century: a study on synderesis and conscience in de veritate of Thomas Aquinas
    Authors: Rafael Henrique Santin; Terezinha Oliveira
    Number of views: 318
  • 21
    The Educational Tutorial Program for the continuing education of teachers
    Authors: Rudervania da Silva Lima Aranha; Selma Suely Baçal de Oliveira
    Number of views: 301
  • 21
    Use of digital technologies in school: a study based on the reports of Brazilian Public Policies
    Authors: Siderly do Carmo Dahle de Almeida;Alvaro Martins Fernandes Junior; Viviane Marques Goi
    Number of views: 314
  • 21
    Education process and personality: attention and overcoming of psychological suffering.
    Authors: Armando Marino Filho
    Number of views: 276
  • 21
    Education and the self-experience in the stories of a narrator alongside Rio Doce
    Authors: Fabiano Oliveira Moraes; Monique Linciano de Azevedo Costa
    Number of views: 291
  • 22
    Scenes of mathematics teaching practices in the narratives of future teachers
    Authors: Denise Filomena Bagne Marquesin; Adair Mendes Nacarato
    Number of views: 272
  • 22
    Construction of Education Policies for Youths and Adults in Pernambuco: what is the rationality?
    Authors: Ana Claudia Dantas Cavalcanti
    Number of views: 348
  • 22
    The struggle for land and the childhood experience in an agrarian reform camp
    Authors: Fábio Accardo Freitas; Ana Lúcia Goulart de Faria
    Number of views: 269
  • 22
    Pedagogical residence in child education: an experience in teacher training
    Authors: Edna Martins; Maria de Fátima Carvalho; Renata Marcilio Cândido
    Number of views: 415
  • 22
    Work and health of early childhood education teachers
    Authors: Tania Maria Araujo; Jarbas Santos Vieira
    Number of views: 282
  • 22
    The "Common National Curricular Base" and law nº 13.415 / 2017: education of young brazilians back to "years of lead"
    Authors: Jéssica Kurak Ponciano;Ronaldo Desiderio Castange;Márcia Regina Canhoto de Lima ;José Milton de Lima
    Number of views: 285
  • 22
    Education for work: the Artisan Apprentice School of Ceará
    Authors: Francineuma Guedes Candido; Sandro César Silveira Jucá; Solonildo Almeida da Silva; Francisco Régis Vieira Alves
    Number of views: 298
  • 22
    Adult education in contemporary society: profile of the educator's competences
    Authors: Albertina Lima de Oliveira; Marco Antônio Franco do Amaral
    Number of views: 296
  • 22
    Education and technology: the crisis of intelligence
    Authors: Maurício Rebelo Martins
    Number of views: 279
  • 23
    From the Studium Generale to globalized higher education systems: a review of the mission of university
    Authors: Caio Rudá de Oliveira
    Number of views: 237
  • 23
    The writing-curriculum of the cultural perspective of Physical Education: why teachers does what do?
    Authors: Pedro Xavier Russo Bonetto; Marcos Garcia Neira
    Number of views: 297
  • 23
    The students vision of professional education in the high school about the student permanence polictics in the IFPA
    Authors: Maria Cristina Afonso Ferreira; Maria de Fátima Matos de Souza
    Number of views: 300
  • 23
    The thematic approach and the rural education
    Authors: Tatiani Maria Schneider; Cristiane Muenchen
    Number of views: 218
  • 23
    School Councils in the state network of Rio de Janeiro: participation or participationism?
    Authors: Janaina Moreira de Oliveira Goulart; Daniela Patti do Amaral
    Number of views: 252
  • 23
    Recreation of social roles about family in children's play
    Authors: Rafaely Karolynne do Nascimento Campos; Tacyana Karla Gomes Ramos
    Number of views: 246
  • 23
    Active methodologies in Geography classes in High School as a stimulus to youth protagonism.
    Authors: Ana Maria de Oliveira Pereira; Acacia Zeneida Kuenzer; Adriano Canabarro Teixeira
    Number of views: 366
  • 23
    The sports condition
    Authors: Renan Santos Furtado; Carlos Nazareno Ferreira Borges
    Number of views: 257
  • 23
    The planning of teacher and evaluation: a reflection on their reflexes in the school repetition of the pupils of the schools of the 1st Cycle in Cabinda/Angola
    Authors: Fernando Abel Mavungo
    Number of views: 260
  • 23
    Panorama of the evaluation process in Youth and Adult Education in Vila Velha, Espírito Santo
    Authors: Antonio Carlos dos Santos Cruz
    Number of views: 233
  • 23
    Ethereal Technologies and Vocational Education: debating educational administration from the critical theory perspective
    Authors: Darlan Marcelo Delgado; Luiz Roberto Gomes; Maria Betânia Darcie Pessoa
    Number of views: 248
  • 23
    Subject effects: Science without Borders program
    Authors: Carina Merkle Lingnau; Pedro Navarro
    Number of views: 234
  • 23
    Residency of pedagogy in Collective Mental Health – education as health
    Authors: Sheyla Werner; Cláudia Rodrigues de Freitas; Ricardo Burg Ceccim
    Number of views: 305
  • 24
    “Quasi-market” manifestations in external and large scale evaluations
    Authors: Fabio Perboni; Andréia Nunes Militão; Cristiano
    Number of views: 307
  • 24
    Ecoperceptions: social representations of nature in the children's universe
    Authors: Daniela Santos Silva ; Juracy Marques dos Santos
    Number of views: 273
  • 24
    Cinema as an art and media device that enhances multireferential curricula in higher education
    Authors: Mirian Maia do Amaral; Rosemary dos Santos; Edméa Oliveira Santos
    Number of views: 257
  • 24
    Assessment Policies and Professional Development of the Science Teacher
    Authors: Paulo Sérgio Garcia; Nelio Bizzo;Sanny Silva da Rosa
    Number of views: 236
  • 24
    PROINFANTIL: the need for the program and its development
    Authors: Valéria Aparecida Benites de Oliveira Cabral; Anamaria Santana da Silva
    Number of views: 263
  • 24
    Writings of New Catholic Communities and religions of African matrices in the classroom: religious violence
    Authors: Adriano Ferreira de Paulo; Joselina da Silva
    Number of views: 251
  • 24
    Contributions of postcolonialism to the cultural curriculum of Physical Education
    Authors: Flávio Nunes dos Santos Júnior; Marcos Garcia Neira
    Number of views: 264
  • 24
    Critical Education: An alliance between Environmental Education and Mlearning
    Authors: Amanda Pereira Santos; Eder Batista da Silva; Ana Lúcia Bezerra Candeias; Maria Aparecida Tenório da Costa
    Number of views: 275
  • 24
    Discourses of deaf children’s parents: early childhood education and the presence of Libras
    Authors: Bianca Salles Conceição; Vanessa Regina de Oliveira Martins
    Number of views: 231
  • 24
    The circles of culture in child education: building dialogical pedagogical practices
    Authors: Marta Regina Paulo da Silva; Renata Fernandes Borrozzino Marques
    Number of views: 237
  • 24
    Recognition and teachers: the social experience of private teaching teachers on Rio Grande do Sul
    Authors: Jerusa Alves Cuty; Marcos Villela Pereira
    Number of views: 244
  • 25
    Management and social control: in discussion the Municipal Council of Education of Fortaleza/CE
    Authors: Clarice Zientarski; Hermeson Claudio Mendonça Menezes; Sônia de Oliveira da Silva
    Number of views: 259
  • 25
    Indigenous schooling Mẽbêngôkre Kayapó Gorotire
    Authors: Leni Barbosa Feitosa; Idemar Vizolli
    Number of views: 359
  • 25
    Listening of love in the writing of pain: autobiographical narrative as a catalytic process
    Authors: Sandra Cristina Rodrigues Lopes
    Number of views: 252
  • 25
    The offering of bachelor’s degree enrollments and in-class courses in gaucho universities
    Authors: Márcia Souza da Fonseca; Mara Rejane Vieira Osório; Maria Manuela Alves Garcia; Jair Jonko Araujo
    Number of views: 247
  • 25
    Teaching enunciations about the play on early childhood education: understandings and interactions
    Authors: Leticia Cavassana Soares; Valdete Côco
    Number of views: 244
  • 25
    Written production and teacher training
    Authors: Arnaldo Nogaro; Ana Paula Teixeira Porto; Luana Teixeira Porto
    Number of views: 253
  • 25
    The moral education in the school: revisions and alternatives based on the contributions of Psychology
    Authors: Rita Melissa Lepre
    Number of views: 236
  • 25
    Etec de Piedade/SP: ten years of an approach that transcends vocational technical education
    Authors: Reginaldo Marcos Martins; Tiago Cesar Domingues
    Number of views: 261
  • 25
    Educational training of the initial teacher courses at UFBA: curriculum analysis
    Authors: Renata Meira Veras; Erika Silva Chaves; Daiane da Luz Silva
    Number of views: 297
  • 25
    Polytechnic High School: analyzes on a counter-hegemonic possibility of educational policy
    Authors: Jonas Tarcísio Reis; Jose Clovis de Azevedo; Jorge Luiz Ayres Gonzaga
    Number of views: 242
  • 25
    Public Relations education facing digital culture in Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay
    Authors: Valmor Rhoden; Valeska Maria Fortes de Oliveira
    Number of views: 239
  • 26
    Teaching work in multi-grade classes: different ways of understanding difference in school
    Authors: Fabrício Oliveira da Silva; Charles Maycon de Almeida Mota; Jane Adriana Vasconcelos Pacheco Rios
    Number of views: 226
  • 26
    The adoption of learning packages in Kindergarten: reflections on a didactic unit
    Authors: Marlon Dantas Trevisan; Gilvane Reinke; Simone de Cássia Soares da Silva
    Number of views: 299
  • 26
    Metacognition and inquiry experimentation: the construction of dialogic interactive categories
    Authors: Carlos Jose Trindade da Rocha; João Manoel da Silva Malheiro
    Number of views: 265
  • 26
    Body Modifications: actors and meanings from a web series
    Authors: Eveline Ximenes Tomaz; Rui Neves
    Number of views: 280
  • 26
    Audiovisual production on elementary school: a wager in students’ authorship and co-authoring
    Authors: Ana Cláudia Oliveira Pavão; Lilian Roberta Ilha Saccol
    Number of views: 241
  • 26
    Environmental Education and Consumerism: considerations on actions taken by Terra Limpa Program
    Authors: Ananda Nocchi Rockett; José Marcelo Freitas Luna; Antônio Fernando Silveira Guerra
    Number of views: 235
  • 26
    From oral sources to visual sources: narratives of the actions of the cultural Mobral in outback the Alagoas (1973-1985)
    Authors: Jailson Costa da Silva; Marinaide Lima de Queiroz Freitas
    Number of views: 261
  • 26
    A glance at the preschool in Cabo Verde
    Authors: Catarina Fernandes Delgado
    Number of views: 239
  • 26
    Internationalization of Higher Education: Subject, Place and Research as substantive categories of analyzes
    Authors: Marlize Rubin Oliveira; Hamilton de Godoy Wielewicki; Giovanna Pezarico
    Number of views: 221
  • 27
    Tensions of teaching work in a managerial context: a literature review about the Chilean case
    Authors: Cristian Oyarzún Maldonado; Rodolfo Soto González; Karina Moreno Díaz
    Number of views: 236
  • 27
    Profile of the mediating teacher: identification proposal
    Authors: Miriam Bastos Reis Maia Lima; Elaine Maria Bessa Rebello Guerreiro
    Number of views: 813
  • 27
    Science education for all: An experience with a student presenting intellectual disabilities
    Authors: Ronaldo Santos Santana; Cássia Geciauskas Sofiato
    Number of views: 609
  • 27
    A new approach to the Theory of Developmental Learning
    Authors: Roberto Valdés Puentes
    Number of views: 265
  • 27
    Hearing parents and deaf children: is the role of families in bilingual educational proposals
    Authors: Viviane Lameu Ribeiro; Raquel Lazzari Leite Barbosa;Sandra Eli Sartoreto Oliveira Martins
    Number of views: 330
  • 28
    Games as multimodal genres: analysis and critical elaboration for multiliteracies Juegos como géneros multimodales: análisis y elaboración crítica para multiletramentos
    Authors: Cynthia Macedo Dias; Jackeline Lima Farbiarz
    Number of views: 326
  • 28
    Training in Education: contributions in the pedagogical practice of egress professor of Federal Institutes of Brazil in the area of Technical Knowledge
    Authors: Lucila Maria Teixeira Nunes; Sandra Regina Gregorio; Gilmar Ferreira Vita
    Number of views: 260
  • 29
    Institutionalization of the Integrated School Management Model in the Public School System of Rio de Janeiro
    Authors: Lucia Helena Esteves Pereira; Sandra Regina Holanda Mariano; Joysi Moraes; Bruno Francisco Batista Dias
    Number of views: 270
  • 29
    The debate about the locus and the level of formation of teachers for the basic education in Brazil
    Authors: José Júlio César do Nascimento Araújo; Marcondes de Lima Nicácio
    Number of views: 262
  • 29
    Politicization through self-education in hip-hop movement: experiences of activist rappers in Brazil
    Authors: Bráulio Loureiro
    Number of views: 237
  • 29
    The educational right to primary education in the relations of the communicative action of the State in the face of society in the Province of Pará
    Authors: Paulo Sérgio de Almeida Corrêa; Renato Pinheiro da Costa
    Number of views: 242
  • 30
    Social Representations of informal workers, with low education and unemployed in the schooling process
    Authors: Ademir José Rosso; Bruna Emilyn da Silva; Vânia de Oliveira; Paulo Rogério Moro;Franciely Ribeiro dos Santos
    Number of views: 220
  • 35
    How do UFRN teachers approached the disability theme in research and extension ten years before quotas?
    Authors: Bruno Santana da Silva; Adja Ferreira de Andrade
    Number of views: 220

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