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Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi/C. University Journal of Faculty of Theology

Number 20(1), 2016

  • 11-34
    Sufism and Inspiration as an Epistemological Means in the Thought of Ibn Taymiyya [Tasavvufun ve Epistemolojik Bir Araç Olarak İlhamın İbn Teymiyye Düşüncesindeki Yeri]
    Authors: Kaya, Emrah
    Number of views: 430
  • 35-60
    Outlines of The Hittite Religion [Ana Hatlarıyla Hitit Dini]
    Authors: Demirci, Kürşad;Falay, Burcu;
    Number of views: 567
  • 61-88
    The Value of Method of Analogical Reasoning (qiyās) Concerning Knowledge and Deeds-Usûlî Kıyasın Bilgi ve Amel Değeri
    Authors: Kacır, Temel
    Number of views: 454
  • 89-116
    Karl R. Popper's Critique of Historicism-Karl R. Popper'ın Tarihsicilik Eleştirisi
    Authors: Bakış, Rıza; Alsancak, Eyüp;
    Number of views: 569
  • 117-146
    An Assay about ‘The Duration of Articulating’ Phenomenon That Reflected by Some Phonetic Terms of Arabic-Arap Dili Fonetiğinde Bazı Kavramların Yansıttığı ‘Ses Üretiminde Süre’ Olgusu Üzerine Bir Deneme
    Authors: İnce, Nazife Nihal
    Number of views: 449
  • 147-166
    God’s Power and Impossibility in al-Ghazālī and Thomas Aquinas-Gazâlî ve Thomas Aquınas’ta Tanrı’nın Kudreti ve İmkânsızlık
    Authors: Akdağ, Özcan
    Number of views: 421
  • 167-202
    Ash’arī Theologian Miklātī’s Some Theological Views in the Context of Lubāb al-uqūl
    Authors: Harman, Vezir
    Number of views: 406
  • 203-224
    A Thinker of the Late Ottoman: Harputlu Ishak Efendi’s Approaching to Some Issues of Philosophy of Religion and Attitude to Philosophers
    Authors: Akgün, Tuncay
    Number of views: 452
  • 225-244
    Grief Process of Mothers of Children with Intellectual Disabilities-Engelli Çocuğa Sahip Annelerde Yas Süreci
    Authors: Gören, Ayşe Burcu
    Number of views: 430
  • 245-266
    Differences Between Bukhari And Abu Zur‘a in Tirmidhi’s Sunan -Tirmîzî’in Sünen’inde Buharî ve Ebû Zur’a’nın İhtilafları
    Authors: al-Jaad, Anas
    Number of views: 497
  • 267-288
    Qiraāt Arguments about Merging “Rā” Letter into “Lām” Letter in Chapter al- Baqara 284 / Bakara Sûresi 284. Âyette Geçen Râ Harfinin Lâm Harfine İdgamı Konusundaki Kıraat Tartışmaları
    Authors: Yüksel, Yakup
    Number of views: 416
  • 289-308
    The Prophet's Unification in Society in The Context of -We – in His Tradition / Hz. Peygamber'in Kullandığı -Biz- Duygusu Bağlamında Birleştiriciliği
    Authors: Yektar, Osman Nedim
    Number of views: 475
  • 309-664
    ahmad Fadlullah al-Sivāsī's Mathnawi Named al-Itidāl fī-Mohabbati'l-Āl / Mehmed Fazlullah es-Sivâsî’nin el-İtidâl fî Muhabbeti’l-Âl Adlı Mesnevîsi
    Authors: Süer, Ramazan Fatih
    Number of views: 496
  • 365-408
    The Issue Concerning the Explanation of the Mutashābih Verses in the First Period of Ash’arī Kalām-İlk Dönem Eş‘arî Kelâmında Müteşâbih Âyetlerin Te’vili Sorunu
    Authors: Bıyıkoğlu, Yakup
    Number of views: 464
  • 409-428
    Sufism in Qādī Burhaneddin’s World of Thought-Kadı Burhaneddin’in Düşünce Dünyasında Tasavvuf
    Authors: Özköse, Kadir
    Number of views: 534
  • 429-444
    A Literary Genre Unknown Sufficiently in the Turkish Literature: Rūznāme and An Example-Edebiyatımızda Çok Bilinmeyen Bir Tür: Rûznâme ve Bir Rûznâme Örneği
    Authors: Yıldız, Alim
    Number of views: 416
  • 445-502
    Māturīdī Theologian Abū Ishāq al-Zāhid al-Saffār’s Vindication of the Kalām-Mâtürîdî Âlimi Ebû İshâk Zâhid es-Saffâr’ın Kelâm Müdâfaası
    Authors: Demir, Abdullah
    Number of views: 490
  • 503-536
    Venn Scheme Presentation and Interpretation of Syllogism Patterns with Respect to Logic- Mathematics Relationship-Mantık - Matematik İlişkisi Bağlamında Geçerli Kıyas Kalıplarının Venn Şeması ile Gösterimi ve Yorumlanması
    Authors: Kömürcü, Kamil; Kıras, Halit
    Number of views: 463
  • 575-576
    Ulu, Mustafa. “A Psychological Research On Definations, Dimensions And Measurement Of Religiosity: A Case Study Among Students in Erciyes University”. PhD. Dissertation, Erciyes University Institute of Social Sciences, Kayseri/Turkey, 2013.
    Authors: Ulu, Mustafa
    Number of views: 388
  • 577-578
    Kaya, Emrah. “A Comparative Study: Epistemology and Theology of Ibn al-ʿArabī and Ibn Taymiyya”. Doktora tezi, Nottingham Üniversitesi, İngiltere, 2016.
    Authors: Kaya, Emrah
    Number of views: 416
  • 579-580
    Gombeyaz, Kadir. “Heresiological Classifications in Islamic Literature”. Ph.D. Dissertation, Uludag University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Bursa 2015.
    Authors: Gombeyaz, Kadir
    Number of views: 373
  • 581-582
    Demir, Abdullah. “The Kalām Method of Abū Isḥāq al-Zāhid al-Ṣaffār”. PhD. Dissertation, Cumhuriyet University Graduate School of Social Sciences, Sivas/Turkey 2014.
    Authors: Demir, Abdullah
    Number of views: 384
  • 583-584
    Soylev, Omer Faruk. “Pastoral Care and Counseling in Turkey: Fields, Possibilities and Methods: The Case of The Presidency of Religious Affairs”. PhD. Dissertation, Uludag University Social Science Institution, Bursa 2014.
    Authors: Söylev, Omer Faruk
    Number of views: 377

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