Lithofacies and Textural Analysis of the Sequence of a Section (1490ft-3830ft) of OML 109 well in Niger Delta
Authors: Ihunda, C.E., Adiela, U.P., Iwuoma Juliet Onyinyechukwu
Number of views: 933
The lithofacies and textural analysis was carried out on twenty five (25) ditch cutting samples in well-Y in Niger Delta within depth range of 1490- 3840ft in an interval of 90ft. The analysis method with an aim to determine the age rock and environment of deposition within the section under study, the lithostratigraphy of the sample indicate clay, shale and sandstone which are partly calcareous lithofacies analysis with a high percentage of rock fragment, ferruginized sandstone, quartz and mica flasks in few of the samples. Other lithofacies components in low percentage are rootlet, heavy mineral and fossils. Biofacie analysis showed some Gastropod, Pelecypod shell fragment. The age of the section of the well is late to middle Miocene. The presence of rootlet and some macrofauna phylum Mollusca which include Pelecypod and Gastropoda.But an increase and decrease of the macrofauna which shows a remarkable abundant with biofacies and poor benthonic marine depositional environment. The rock sample within these intervals is intercalated with shale, sandstone, siltstone and clay; the grain are poorly sorted which ranges from angular to sub angular, the rock fragment found within the lithofacies distribution chart indicates that volcanic rocks from a high mountainous area have been eroded and transported to the basin which is responsible for the abundances of quartz.