About microfauna Miocene of Pereddobruzhinska depression
Authors: T. A. Ivanova, O. V. Bondar
Number of views: 720
On the base revision of core samples the micropaleontological characteristic of Dobrudja Foredeep Miocene and the first monographic describes of foraminifera and ostracods of these deposits are given. Deposits of Konkian and Chokrakian Regiostages are set. The Majachkian Suite is characteristic. For the first time the Tarkchanian endemic foraminifera are found in this suite. It is helped to define Tarkchanian age of the Majachkian Suite. By foraminifera it is definite the Komrats Layers are invalid straton.
Key words: Miocene, Komrats Layers, Majachkian Suite, Tarkchanian, Chokrakian, Konkian, Sarmatian, foraminifera, ostracods, Dobrudja Foredeep, Western Blasck Sea region, Southern Ukraine, Eastern Paratethys.