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Revista MVZ Cordoba

Number 20 (2), 2015

  • 4511-4512
    Authors: Salim Mattar V, Marco González T
    Number of views: 369
  • 4515-4523
    Sows’ parity and coconut oil postnatal supplement on piglets performance
    Authors: Luan S Santos; M.Sc, Fabiana R Caldara; Ph.D, Sivanilza T Machado; M.Sc, Irenilza A Nääs; Ph.D, Luciana Foppa; M.Sc, Rodrigo G Garcia; Ph.D, Rafael Moura; M.Sc, Simone P Machado; M.Sc.
    Number of views: 372
  • 4524-4535
    Evaluation of Digestible lysine levels in diets with high energy density for finishing pigs
    Authors: Janeth Colina R, Ph.D, Miguel Díaz E, Ing. Agrónomo, Luis Manzanilla M, Ing. Agrónomo, Humberto Araque M, M.Sc, Gonzálo Martínez G, Ph.D, Mario Rossini V, M.Sc, Nancy Jerez-Timaure, Ph.D.
    Number of views: 420
  • 4536-4545
    Subclinical laminitis and its association with pO2 and faecal alterations: Isikli, Aydin experience
    Authors: Ibrahim Akin, Ph.D, Deniz Alic Ural, Ph.D, Mehmet Gultekin, Ph.D, Kerem Ural, Ph.D
    Number of views: 401
  • 4546-4557
    Palatability and digestibility of horse diets containing increasing levels of citrus pulp
    Authors: Camilla G Moreira, M.Sc, Ives CS Bueno, Ph.D, Madalena L Menezes, M.Sc, Thaís P Mota, Zoot, Aline D Souza, Zoot, Amanda F Tavares, Zoot, Laise S Augusto, Zoot, Roberta A Brandi, Ph.D.
    Number of views: 370
  • 4558-4565
    Interpretation of doxycycline+chloroquine dual therapy for A. phagocytophilum infection in dogs
    Authors: Kerem Ural, Ph.D
    Number of views: 385
  • 4566-4573
    Productivity and Composition of Fatty Acids in Chicks fed with Azadirachta indica A. Juss
    Authors: Imna Trigueros V, M.Sc, Miguel Ramón C, M.Sc, José Vázquez O, Ph.D, Juan Aguirre M Ph.D, Carlos Garcia C, M.Sc, Jaime Martínez T, Ph.D.
    Number of views: 359
  • 4574-4582
    Performance and plasma urea nitrogen of immunocastrated males pigs of medium genetic potential
    Authors: Fabiana R Caldara, Ph.D, Rita KS Santos, M.Sc, Luan S Santos, B.Sc, Luciana Foppa, B.Sc, Irenilza A Nääs, Ph.D, Rodrigo G Garcia, Ph.D, Simone P Machado, B.Sc.
    Number of views: 396
  • 4583-4592
    Reference values of parathyroid hormone and vitamin D Hormone by chemiluminescent automated assay
    Authors: Beatriz Martiarena, Esp, Nadia Kogovsek,Bioq, Helena Salerni, Esp, Víctor Castillo, Ph.D, Georgina Brandi, MV, Mariela Regonat, MV, Andrea Visintini, Esp, Héctor Quintana, MV, P Otero,Bioq.
    Number of views: 413
  • 4593-4603
    Physiology of acid-base balance in bovines with diarrhea backgrounds from Monteria, Colombia
    Authors: César Betancur H, M.Sc, Yordan Martínez A, Ph.D, Luis Cruz M, Esp
    Number of views: 386
  • 4604-4615
    Serological evidence of Hepatitis E Virus infection in Antioquia, Colombia slaughtered pigs
    Authors: Jorge Forero D, M.Sc, Cristian Gutiérrez V, M.Sc, Jaime Parra S, Ph.D, Guillermo Correa L, Ph.D, Berardo Rodríguez, Ph.D, Lina Gutiérrez B, Ph.D, Albeiro López-Herrera. Ph.D.
    Number of views: 394
  • 4616-4623
    Profile of canine patient with esophageal foreign bodies
    Authors: Carlos Rodríguez-Alarcón, Ph.D, Diana Beristain R, Ph.D, Ramón Rivera B, Ph.D, Eva Pérez M, Ph.D, Jesús Usón C, Ph.D.
    Number of views: 378
  • 4624-4630
    Evaluation of macrominerals concentrations in blood of lactating and dry Desi cows
    Authors: Zafar Iqbal Khan, Ph.D, Alireza Bayat, Ph.D, Kafeel Ahmad, Ph.D, Muhammad Sher, Ph.D, Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar, Ph.D, Zafar Hayat, Ph.D, Vincenzo Tufarelli, Ph.D.
    Number of views: 385
  • 4631-4637
    Estimation of milk production in hair ewes by two methods of measurement
    Authors: Irina Peniche G, M.Sc, Luis Sarmiento F, Ph.D, Ronald Santos R, Ph.D.
    Number of views: 371
  • 4638-4647
    Aglepristone efficiency with and without the canine pyometra cloprostenol
    Authors: Víctor Molina D
    Number of views: 452

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